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什么让寮屋城区如此重要?What makes squatter cities so important?

我会找到我的座位号,并把占我位子的没坐票的人赶走。I will find my seat number, then kick out the squatter in my seat.

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在西柏林,寮屋运动30年前达到高峰。Berlin’s squatter movement reached its apogee 30 years ago in the west.

扮演一个少年在克鲁格斯多普木屋营地2010年3月6日板球。A teenager plays cricket in a squatter camp in Krugersdorp on March 6, 2010.

居民在克鲁格斯多普线寮屋了一项关于2010年3月12日公用餐。Residents of a squatter in Krugersdorp line up for a communal meal on March 12, 2010.

许多人跋山涉水,经过亚洲和欧洲的危险旅程抵达加来地区。Many had arrived to the Calais squatter area after dangerous journeys through Asia and Europe.

塞尔维亚大约有600个贫民窟,里面的居民大部分都是罗马裔。There are 600 squatter settlements in Serbia, the inhabitants of which are mostly of Roma origin.

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他发现自己与那些人在绿色、反政府等观点上不谋而合,最后他自己也成了其中一员。He found he shared their green, anti-establishment values, and eventually became a squatter himself.

一个女人看起来她的窗口,因为她在一个硬盘中克鲁格斯多普棚户区3月13日2010年汽车。A woman looks out her window as she drives a car in a squatter camp in Krugersdorp on March 13, 2010.

一个在克鲁格斯多普棚户区居民提供服务过程中对2010年3月12日社区的餐食。Residents of a squatter camp in Krugersdorp are served food during a communal meal on March 12, 2010.

我的这个同伴从不委屈自己,“我绝不会那样做”他说。“但我确实能从中学到很多”My companionwasn't a squatter himself. “I could never do that,” he said. “But I've learneda lot from them.”

他潇洒自如地频繁更换工作,并和一个从事艺术品经销得富婆频频约会。He wanders from job to job, lives as a squatter and enjoys a carefree romantic tryst with a wealthy art dealer.

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接踵而来的是一片赞同「人民主权论」和「自治的神圣权利」喧闹的附和声。Then opened the roar of loose declamation in favor of "squatter sovereignty" and "sacred right of self-government.

一个女孩的呼喊后,她的父亲在他们的临时家园击败在3月12日,2010年的克鲁格斯多普木屋营地她。A girl cries after her father beat her in their makeshift home at a squatter camp in Krugersdorp on March 12, 2010.

朋友们谈论通过一个房间小屋窗口在克鲁格斯多普在加冕公园木屋于2010年3月6号营地。Friends talk through the window of a one-room hut at a squatter camp at Coronation Park in Krugersdorp on March 6, 2010.

人们在一个临时搭建的帐篷里参加教堂在3月7日2010年克鲁格斯多普棚户区的南非荷兰语星期日的服务。People attend an Afrikaans Sunday service in a makeshift tent church at a squatter camp in Krugersdorp on March 7, 2010.

造成贫民窟和擅自居住者的居住区的原因是住宅和住房市场合法土地定价过高。Slums and squatter settlements are the result of people being priced out of legal land for housing, and housing markets.

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在一个女孩把她的头发马尾,因为她得到准备在步行到学校克鲁格斯多普棚户区3月10日2010年。A girl puts her hair in a pony tail as she gets ready to walk to school from a squatter camp in Krugersdorp on March 10, 2010.

塞拉利昂斯密特,41岁,并在她的小屋菜肴,而她的儿子和他的朋友在床上休息,对2010年3月6日在克鲁格斯多普棚户区。Leone Smit, 41, does dishes in her shack while her son and his friend rest on a bed at a squatter camp in Krugersdorp on March 6, 2010.

李克强近日在哈尔滨出席城市和国有工矿棚户区改造工作座谈会并讲话。Li Keqiang attended recently in Harbin City and state-owned industrial transformation of squatter settlements and to address the forum.