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宝路。给狗狗最好的食品。Pedigree. Really good food for dogs.

他们详细审查了他的家系和背景。They scrutinized his pedigree and background.

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宝路收养活动。帮助我们帮助狗。The Pedigree Adoption Drive. Help us help dogs.

呈常染色体显性遗传。Pedigree analysis indicated autosomal dominant inheritance.

说到Rubinstein,他的世系不会被忽略。Speaking of Rubinstein, his pedigree here can’t be overlooked.

Haden在佛罗里达州大多数芒果血统中都存在。Haden is in the pedigree of most of the Florida mango cultivars.

这些发现已经在令专家们重新修订人类谱系。Already, the discoveries have experts reworking the human pedigree.

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正常家系分析结果符合孟德尔遗传规律。The pedigree analysis was correct and proved in Mendelian inheritance.

帕夫柳琴科在北伦敦过的不愉快但是他的实力很不错。Pavlyuchenko may have stuttered in north London, but his pedigree is good.

方法运用小家系资料连锁分析参数的方法。Methods The parameter linkage analysis of the small pedigree data was used.

这狗出现在3代的的买的大坝,艾拉谱系3倍。This dog appears 3 times in the 3 generations pedigree of Dhara's dam, Ira.

它是只纯种拳师豿,有优秀血统,所以昂贵。我们是跟一位一流的动物饲育师买的。Boxer with an outstanding pedigree that's why. We got him from a top breeder.

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家谱分析显示,遗传方式符合常染色体显性遗传。Pedigree analysis suggests that FASD is a autosome dominant heredity disease.

实际上,有人说丹尼斯的“师出无门”的方法已经不流行了。In fact, some argue that Dennis's "lack of pedigree" approach has been passed by.

公猫的血统应该是最好的,而且它的品质也应该是极好的。His pedigree should be worth his weight in gold, and his quality should be superb.

谱学属史学别支,谱系之作实为历史档案。Pedigree belongs to a sub-branch of history, which is actually historical archive.

用家系法分析,符合常染色体显性遗传。Pedigree analysis reveals that it is consistent with autosome dominant inheritance.

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祠堂、族谱、族田是近世家族制度的三项标志。Ancestral hail, clan pedigree and clan field are three marks of modem family system.

祠堂、族谱、族田是近世家族制度的三项标志。Ancestral hall, clan pedigree and clan field are three marks of modern family system.

但它能为这个物种和个体的遗传谱系带来帮助。But it does lend some perspective to the genetic pedigree of the species and individual.