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你感冒好点没有,梅格?How is your cold, Meg?

梅格姑母一直很勇敢。Auntie Meg has been very brave.

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梅格·瑞安或者卡梅龙·迪埃兹有什么新片?How about Meg Ryan or Cameron Diaz?

如果我有一件丝绸衣裳就好了!"If I only had a silk!" sighed Meg.

乔常以哀伤的眼神对著梅格凝视。Jo often stared at Meg with sad eyes.

美格是她爸爸的掌上明珠。Meg is the apple of her father's eye.

梅格俨然扮演着一个护花使者。Meg enacted escort with great dignity.

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梅格和吉伯特在头等舱里休息。Meg and gilbert are relaxing in first class.

我们明天下午就得去办货,梅格,圣诞夜的话剧还有许多事情要准备呐。We must go shopping tomorrow afternoon, Meg.

梅格饶有兴致地审视着自己那束鲜花。And Meg examined her flowers with great interest.

在舞台的后面梅格·吉利看着安妮·索雷丽。Behind the stage Meg Ciry looked at Annie Sorelli.

梅格基恩开始了博客一个实用的婚礼。Meg Keene started the blog A Practical Wedding. Ms.

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有多亲密。像姐妹一样,科妮经常照顾梅格。How close? Like sisters. Cori always took care of Meg.

麦格和裘像一对忠实的小鹳似地喂她们的母亲。Meg and Jo fed their mother like dutiful young storks.

梅格感激上苍将如此宽宏大度的邻居赐给了她。Meg thanked God for a neighbor as forgiving as He was.

为什么没有更多的奥普拉或者梅格.惠特曼?Why aren't there more Oprah Winfreys or Meg Whitmans?

白色条纹乐队不在属于梅格·怀特和杰克·怀特了。The White Stripes do not belong to Meg and Jack anymore.

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麦格又那么一本正经,我们对面穿过都不让我跟他搭腔。Meg is so prim she won't let me speak to him when we pass.

上述科学评论仅代表梅格·厄里的个人观点。The opinions in this commentary are solely those of Meg Urry.

她喜欢演戏,希望有一天能像梅格莱恩一样有名。She loves acting and hopes to be as famous as Meg Ryan, one day.