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珍妮·古道尔50年如一日的工作让我们重新审视大猩猩……Her 50 years of work have made us rethink chimps.

真棒!也许我该再考虑一下我梦想的房子。Great! Maybe I should rethink about my dream house.

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该片使每个中国人作深刻的反思。This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly.

该报告提议应大幅度重新思考现行法令。The report suggests a radical rethink of existing law.

阿克尔建议你重新思考你的每一件日常的任务。Achor suggests that you rethink each of your daily tasks.

我们应当重新考虑一下目前的形势再作决定。We should rethink the present situation before deciding.

支是需要我们重新反思冥想的真正本质。It requires that we rethink the very nature of meditation.

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气候变化可能迫使人们反思其毒性测量方法。Climate change may force a rethink of toxicity measurements.

DARPA要求晋级团队递交一份全新的计算机设计方案。Making the cut will demand a total rethink of computer deign.

这个女孩对你是否合适,你得好好再想一想。As to whether she is the right girl for you,you have to rethink.

这个想法是使观察者重新思考他或她原来的设想。The idea is to make the viewer rethink his or her original ideal.

对此,人们很显然需要战略上的反思和医学上的重新评估。Clearly a tactical rethink and a medical reevaluation were in order.

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接下来,索尼应该重新考虑它的用户界面和软件平台。Next, Sony should rethink its user interface and software platforms.

你也许应该再考虑一下你的旅行,去些知名度不高的地方。You may want to rethink about your trip and go to a less-known area.

这也使得某些国家的政府重新考虑他们原本倾向贸易自由化的政策。That's causing some governments to rethink their pro- trade policies.

听说您已经对奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼有了新的想法,是真的吗?Is it true that you’ve also been tapped to rethink the Academy Awards show?

“我们需要重新考虑积极在爱情中所扮演的角色,”McNulty说。"We need to rethink the role of positivity in relationships," McNulty said.

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现行的禁止政策已经长达50年,要求重新考虑这一政策的人越来越多。Calls for a rethink of the 50-year-old policy of prohibition have been growing.

姚伟说,“中国应该重新审视将美国国债作为避风港的这一观念了。”China should seriously rethink the assumption of US Treasuries as a safe haven.

战争更使得土地的所有权和管理被置之度外。And fighting makes it nearly impossible to rethink land ownership or management.