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在飓风眼里,几乎没有风,或云。In the eye, there is little wind or cloudiness.

房子被笼罩在一种莫名其妙的晦黯中。The house was shrouded in some strange cloudiness.

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其它的模型则预测云量减少,大幅升温。Other models predict reduced cloudiness and magnified warming.

但一个更新的难题开始慢慢爬进小刘的生活。But an unfamiliar kind of cloudiness began to creep into Xiao Liu's life.

然而如果混浊体长在晶状体的中间,通常会影响视力。Cloudiness near the center of the lens, however, usually interferes with clear sight.

每天的卫星云图显示了横跨中国中部和南部的动态云量。Daily satellite images show a dynamic cloudiness across the whole of south and central China.

事实证明,露水的形成是与晚上天空中云的数量有联系的。As it turns out, the formation of dew is linked to the amount of cloudiness in the sky at night.

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今天早晨,申城的天空状况也非常不错,空中云量较少。This morning, celestial state of Shen Cheng is very pretty good also, the cloudiness in sky is less.

你花费一些近距离和个人时间与你的狗当你通知云在他的眼睛。You're spending some up-close and personal time with your dog when you notice cloudiness in his eyes.

潮湿意味着高湿度,不稳定,以及数量众多的雷暴雨,并带来极大的云量。Wet means high humidity, instability, and numerous thunderstorms that bring high levels of cloudiness.

由于历史观测数据的前后不一致,很难辨认阴霾天气的云层变化趋势。Because of inconsistencies in historical observations, trends in cloudiness have been difficult to identify.

从全球平均来看,飞行云造成的云量所阻隔的能量为每平方米31毫瓦。On a worldwide average, contrail-induced cloudiness traps an extra 31 milliwatts of energy per square meter.

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如果云状物是由水或者其他液体造成的,那么随着样本的澄清,会形成一层水状层。If the cloudiness was caused by water or another liquid contaminant, an aqueous layer should form as the sample clears.

根据光线的穿透量,这类仪器还可以检测液体的澄清度或混浊度。Such an instrument can also measure the clarity or cloudiness of a liquid depending on the amount of light the liquid lets pass.

当低压波沿着锋面移动时,云量的增长和稳定的雨量都是可以被预测的,偶尔还发大水。When waves of low-pressure move along the front, cloudiness increases and steady rains can be expected, occasionally with flooding.

本文使用1979—1984年卫星云量资料,分析了赤道太平洋地区平均纬向垂直环流圈。The mean zonal- vertical circulations in the equatorial Paciric region have been analysed by using 1979- 1984 satellite cloudiness data.

图中每一处云量的上升都与迎风面斜坡相关,同时,云量的下降出现在背风面的山谷。Each rise correlates with the windward-facing slope of the terrain, while declines in cloudiness are found in valleys on the leeward side.

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本文使用太平洋地区1965—1973年月平均卫星云图资料,分析了这一地区冬、夏平均经圈和纬圈环流。The mean meridional and zonal-vertical circulation in Pacific region have beenanalyzed by using 1965—1973 monthly mean satellite cloudiness.

用浊度法估测该聚合物的溶度参数,并用特性粘度法对其溶度参数分量进行了订定。The cloudiness method and the intrinsic viscosity method were used for determining the solubility parameter and its three dimensional components.

以义乌市城市发展为例,研究小城市发展引起日照、云量、雾和降水等气候要素的变化。Analysis is covered on changes of such essential climatic factors as sunshine and cloudiness and fog and precipitation caused by development of small-sized cities.