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我向一个无名之辈敬礼。I saluted a nobody.

嘿,嗬,家里没人。Hey Ho, nobody home.

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但没人能说得上。But nobody could say.

没有人知道我有它。Nobody knew I had it.

没人知道它传了多广。Nobody knows how far.

没人喜欢等待。Nobody likes waiting.

汤姆是个无名小卒。Tom is a mere nobody.

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但是没有人谴责她。But nobody gave a damn.

谁也蒙不了他。Nobody can deceive him.

没人在愚弄他们。Nobody is fooling them.

无人知道,祇有耶稣!Nobody knows but Jesus!

我是无名小辈,你是谁啊?I am nobody. Who are you?

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我是个无名之辈,你是谁?I'm nobody ! Who are you?

没人接电话。Nobody answers the phone.

从来都没人听我说话.Nobody ever listens to me.

没有人会喜欢一个自以为是的人。Nobody likes a smart arse.

没人会捡起垃圾。Nobody picks up the stuff.

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除我之外,没人迟到。Nobody was late except me.

感谢上帝,没有人受伤。Thank God nobody got hurt.

可是没有人用麦金塔。Butt nobody uses Macintosh!