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太阳的梦!Of sun!

害怕垂死。Of dying.

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这之类的。Or sort of.

小镇的尽头。End of town.

我时间很急。Lots of time.

当然没有。Of course no.

一坨脂肪么?lumps of fat?

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恐惧下巴。Fear of chins.

唔,说的有点对。Hmmm, sort of.

热爱劳动吧。Labor of love.

我当然看好她。Of course Ido.

一曲爱之旋律。A song of love.

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小心火烛。Beware of fire.

大师级的艺术。Master of Arts.

没人听过?Not one of you?

好多的书!Scads of books!

牌的分值。Value of Cards.

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非洲的情况呢?What of Africa?

花是大自然最美妙的礼物。gift of nature.

一种技巧的游戏。A game of skill.