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有些爬行动物的尾巴被割掉后可以重新长出来。Some reptiles can regrow their tails when they are cut away.

他可以看到神经是否可以再生,而老鼠仍在笼子里四处跑。He can see if it can regrow and the rat can still run around its cage.

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研究人员可以看到神经能否再生,老鼠是否还能在笼子里跑来跑去。He can see if it can regrow and the rat can still run around its cage.

由于PLX4032对NRAS没有作用,所以癌症就可以重新开始生长。PLX4032 does not target the NRAS mutation, so the cancer can begin to regrow.

令人难以置信——蝾螈酶终有一天能使人类的器官和四肢再生Incredible salamander enzyme that could one day let humans regrow organs and limbs

我们能够砍光所有的雨林,但雨林会在千年后重新生长。We could clear all the jungles, but a jungle can regrow over a few thousand years.

“研究者们正努力找到重生手指甚至四肢的方法,”海菲尔德说道。"Researchers are desperately trying to find ways to regrow fingers and even limbs," Highfield says.

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落建系列产品到达毛囊根部,并使萎缩的毛囊重新生长出新头发。Rogaine products go to the root of the hair follicle and revitalize miniaturized hair follicles to regrow new hair.

更多的线索来自实验鼠身上,基因突变使得它们部分地再生长出断掉的脚趾。More clues are coming from lab mice that have a genetic mutation that allows them to partially regrow severed digits.

新生头发需要一段时间,您可能需要每天使用本产品两次,连续使用至少四个月的时间,才会开到新生头发的效果。It takes time to regrow hair. You may need to use minoxidil solution twice-daily for at least 4 months before you see results.

美西螈能使它的四肢甚至是受损的器官再生,但随着年龄的增长,它们会失去这种再生的能力。The axolotl salamander is able to regrow its limbs and even damaged organs. But it loses its ability to regenerate as it grows older

脏具有惊人的局部再生功能,所以在肝出现问题之前,可以切除很大部分。The liver has the amazing faculty to partially regrow so a lot of the liver can be resected before the patient actually has a problem.

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强大的细胞修复能力可以解释为什么龙虾可以生存100年之久,也可以解释为什么“高龄”的龙虾还能够断肢再生。The ability to repair cells in this way may help to explain why lobsters can live up to 100 years and are able to regrow limbs even at an "old age".

这个不洁的祈祷术可以令藤蔓人身上的藤蔓以惊人速度再生,这些藤蔓人受到的伤害也就很快会痊愈。An unholy prayer that makes the animating vines of the Manikin regrow at incredible speed. Damage sustained by a regrowing Manikin will quickly heal.

“研究者们正努力找到重生手指甚至四肢的方法,”海菲尔德说道。“目前已经有基于药物和干细胞的研究计划。”"Researchers are desperately trying to find ways to regrow fingers and even limbs," Highfield says. "There are schemes based on drugs and on stem cells."

政府兽医已试图先去掉犀角,使得它们对偷猎者不再具有价值,但这必须反复去做,因为犀角会再生。Government vets have made attempts to de-horn rhinos so they no longer have value for poachers, but the process must be repeated because the horns regrow.

哥伦比亚大学的科学家称他们已经可以利用动物自己的干细胞通过一种叫组织工程的技术手段来再生出兔子的大腿关节。Colombia University scientists say they were able to regrow the thigh joint of rabbits from the animals' own stem cells using a process called tissue engineering.

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像手术和癌症的重压可以导致脱发,但是这只不过是暂时的,你的头发在这种治疗上的压力过去后又可以重新长出来。Major stress like surgery or cancer could result in hair loss, but this is usually temporary and the hair will likely regrow without treatment once the stress has passed.

通过跟踪研究经过基因改造的蝾螈的单个细胞,对于它们失去的肢体再生这种貌似神奇的能力,研究人员找到了一个出乎意料的解释。By tracking individual cells in genetically modified salamanders, researchers have found an unexpected explanation for their seemingly magical ability to regrow lost limbs.

新腿中的细胞也含有荧光蛋白,在显微镜下看也会发光,因此这些科学家可以逐个细胞仔细地观察芽基的形成和腿的再生。Cells in the new legs also contained the fluorescent protein and glowed under a microscope, so the scientists could watch blastemas form and legs regrow in cell-by-cell detail.