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海外营业部。Overseas Sales Department.

他还从未出过国。He has never been overseas.

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请问手机壳批发能寄到国外吗?Can it send to the overseas?

作为一个韩籍华侨。As a Korean overseas Chinese.

我们的老师正侨居海外。Our teacher is living overseas.

我们喜欢去国外旅行。We enjoyed the overseas travel.

买房客,海外楼市。Buy-off, overseas property market.

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海外侨胞们注意。The attention of overseas Chinese.

这种产品在国外很畅销。This product is salability overseas.

欢迎海外各界朋友来电求租。Welcome overseas friends call Qiuzu.

考虑是否能在海外的提款机上使用你的银行卡。The overseas ATM and your debit card.

好,我替你接电信局国际台。OK, I'll get you an overseas operator.

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越洋电话或紧急电话呢?How about overseas call or urgent call?

参加国外贸易考察团。Participate in overseas trade missions.

我要打一个越洋电话。I want to make an overseas call, please.

我正等着接一通越洋电话。There's an overseas call waiting for me.

一个海外人泉组织能知道个屁?What would an OVERSEAS rights group know?

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我要打对方付费的越洋电话。I'd like to make an overseas collect call.

申请者具有侨生身分。The applicant has overseas Chinese status.

你海外的分厂进展如何?What’s your overseas branch factory going?