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范妮,去拿你的披肩。Get your shawl Fannie.

她很喜欢穿披肩。She likes to wear a shawl.

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但至少我还有这个披肩。At least I can have my shawl.

他把自己紧紧包裹在披肩里。He enveloped himself in a shawl.

这条珠珠披肩看起来好典雅!This beaded shawl looks elegant!

她肩上披着一块披巾。She wore a shawl over her shoulders.

他脖子里围着一条绿色的在披巾。Round his neck he wore a green shawl.

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陈列品包括地毯、披巾、腰带和纱丽服等。She covered up the baby with a shawl.

那女士喜欢用丝围巾。The lady likes to wear the silk shawl.

其中一个身披小披肩的小女孩问。One little girl in a small shawl asked.

她把围巾围得紧一些。She wrapped her shawl closer about her.

黑色人造毛皮夹克连披肩衣领。Black faux-fur jacket has a shawl collar.

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无论是在天堂还是地狱我都不需要这个披肩。I won't need this shawl in heaven or hell.

她肩上披着一条白披巾。She wore a white shawl over her shoulders.

妈妈把婴儿裹在暖和的毛巾里。Mother wrapped the baby up in a warm shawl.

那女人猛然地披上披巾在肩膀上。The woman threw a shawl over her shoulders.

让我把这披巾折起来围在你身上。Let me double the shawl and put it round you.

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一个淘气的上姑娘裹着一条在围巾站在那儿。A naughty girl stood there,wrapped in a huge shawl.

你的披肩会在哪儿为你保暖,天堂还是地狱?And is your shawl to keep you warm in heaven or hell?

她奶奶的围巾已经在箱子里腐烂了。Her grandmother's shawl had moldered away in the trunk.