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他紧张得连说话都走音变调了。He was not even nervous all speak the go tone sandhi.

描写莒南方言两字组连读变调及轻声的变调。The tone sandhi of disyllabic word and the neutral tone.

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阳平和上声的声调变化却几乎一样。Yangping and Shang tone's tone sandhi can be considered the same.

连读变调是汉语方言中一种普遍的语音现象。Tone sandhi is considered as a common phonetic phenomena in Chinese dialect.

第三章主要研究吴江话的连读变调和送气调的产生原因。The third chapter studies the tone sandhi of Wujiang and the cause of the tonal split.

龙川四都话在两字词组中只有去声不变。Only the Qu tone in Longchuan Sidu dialect compounds of two characters does not exhibit tone sandhi.

尽管如此,规则本身并没有谈到变调应用的辖域或范围是怎样的。However, the rule itself says nothing about the domain or scope that circumscribes the application of tone sandhi.

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本文介绍宁远平话的两字组连读变调规律和几个特殊的音变现象。This paper introduce the rule of the dissyllabic tone sandhi in Ningyuan Pinghua and several specilial tone changes.

新丰的入声不变﹐但四都却在变调时“还原”了一个入声。Xinfeng dialect's Ru tone does not change, though in Sidu dialect despite the tone sandhi , it only has one Ru tone.

其它情况下的两字组连调则与语音环境和语法结构有关。Tone sandhi of the disyllables in other conditions is relevant to the phonetic environment and the grammatical structure.

本文试对黄县方言的二字组连读变调进行试验和音系分析。This thesis presents an experimental and phonological analysis of Tone Sandhi in disyllabic sequence in Huangxian County Dialect.

在这篇论文中,我们提出了一套可用于中文文句转台语语音系统的台语连音变调预估模组。In this paper we proposed a module to deal with the Taiwanese tone sandhi problem for Chinese to Taiwanese Text-to-Speech systems.

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台语的一词多音和连音变调问题是发展台语文转音系统的两大难题。These are two major problems to develop a Taiwanese Text-to-Speech system, they are the polyphone problem and the tone sandhi problem.

本文采用实验语音学的方法和优选论这一音系学理论对北京话上声变调现象进行了详细的描述和分析。Phonetic experiment and OT analysis are both used in this thesis to have a comprehensive study on third tone sandhi in Beijing Chinese.

本文的假设是天津话的连读变调已经发生变化,变化的原因是普通话的影响。The hypothesis of this paper is that sandhi rules in Tianjin dialect has changed and the changes are due to the influence of Putonghua.

但在大多数情况下,今天很难找出几种不同的连调模式之间的区别规律来。But in the majority of cases, it is now very difficult to determine what the rule is that distinguishes among different sandhi patterns.

这种变调类型主要存在于壮侗语和南方汉语之中,透露着语言的底层色彩。The tone sandhi pattern exists in Zhuang-Dong languages and southern Chinese dialects and reveals underlying representives of languages.

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这可以从描写性研究和解释性研究两方面来考察,尤其关于变调规律和变调类型的描写研究更为深入。This can be proved both in descriptive research and expositive research, and in particular, in descriptive research on sandhi rules and types.

本文描写了康乐方言两字组连读变调情况,讨论了变调的规律和轻声的性质。Kangle dialect is a three-tones dialect, this paper describes its disyllabic tone sandhi, and discusses its sandhi rules and neutral tones'nature.

虽然南部吴语的语音变调现象相当繁杂,但在另一方面,连调中的调类合流现象也十分突出。Though Southern Wu phonological tone change phenomena are fairly diverse, in another respect sandhi tone merger phenomena are also very prominent.