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躲猫猫新娘?Peekaboo bride?

在书包里。In the schoolbag. Peekaboo.

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在书包下面。In the schoolbag. Peekaboo.

在书包里。On the schoolbag. Peekaboo.

在书包上面。On the schoolbag. Peekaboo.

嘿,瞧,他会玩躲躲猫。Hey, look he knows peekaboo !

我很纳闷为何躲躲猫对小婴儿来说是刺激的游戏。I wonder why peekaboo is such an exciting game for little babies.

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诀窍是保持与点缀或小黑裙捉迷藏剪纸艺术性感的元素。The trick is to keep the sexy element with embellishment or peekaboo cutouts on the little black dress.

“你好啊,”他说到,头上的黑色鬈发也随着这热情的问候弹跳起来,好像发尖玩起来藏猫猫的游戏。"Hello, " he says, his dark curls bouncing with his enthusiasm, playing peekaboo with the tips of his curving horns.

想尽一切办法逃避手术台快一个月了,但是今天终于怕是躲不过去了。Tried all the ways for more than 20 days to play peekaboo with the operating table, however, it seems an end for this game today.

躲猫猫游戏风行世界各地,跨越语言和文化障碍,为何它如此普遍?也许因为它是一种强大的学习工具。Peekaboo is a game played over the world, crossing language and cultural barriers. Why is it so universal? Perhaps because it's such a powerful learning tool.

躲猫猫最开始只是一种隐而再现,监护人告诉婴儿他们要出来了,然后让婴儿能够近距离的看到自己的脸。The earliest version of peekaboo is simple looming, where the carer announces they are coming with their voice before bringing their face into close focus for the baby.

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大多数情况下,躲猫猫的游戏都进展的很顺利,即使一个大人躲起来后,出现的是另一个大人,或者大人躲起来后,出现在另一个地方。Most of the time the peekaboo game proceeded normally, however on occasion the adult hid and reappeared as a different adult, or hid and reappeared in a different location.

当我站在那里,和那一美元玩起躲躲猫游戏的时候,我记起了四年级老师曾经告诉我的一个故事,这是一个关于她邂逅一张躺在地板上的一美元的故事。While standing there, playing peekaboo with the dollar, I remembered a story that my fourth grade teacher told me, about her encounter with a dollar bill laying on the floor.