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小草抽芽了,树木变绿了。Germination of grass, trees green.

发芽试验以沙床为最好。The germination tests take sand bed as the best.

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卵孢子萌发不需外源养分。Germination of oospores don't need exotexix nutrient.

光照对孢子萌发影响不大。And the conidia germination was not affected by light.

温度是影响毛叶枣种子萌发的一个重要因子。Temperature has strong effect on the seed germination.

春播从播种到商品采摘期为56天。The time from the germination to commodity is 56 days.

JK-2菌株对病菌孢子萌发也有较强的抑制作用。It had strong antagonistic effect on spore germination.

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光照对种子发芽的影响不大。Whether lighting or not had little effect on germination.

能使枝条快速催芽的方法有很多。There are many ways to accelerate germination of branches.

萌发枝和长枝叶宽,呈卵形,掌状。Germination branches and long branches wide, oval, palmate.

一路颠簸,只为了梦想发芽开花。Bumps along the way, only to dream of flowering germination.

GA处理能缩短报春花种子萌发时间。Treatment seed with GA could make seed germination time short.

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花粉和叶面物质对孢子萌发有促进作用。Pollen and leaf surface substance accelerated spore germination.

含羞草种子萌发最适温度为30℃。Optimum temperature of seed germination for Mimosa pudica was 30℃.

光照对分生孢子的产生和萌发无影响。The sporogenesis and spore germination were not affected by light.

不同菌株卵孢子萌发率差异较大。Oospore germination differed significantly among different isolates.

盐生种子萌发与土壤盐度的关系。The correlation between seed germination of halophytes and salinity.

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初步探讨了其对冬麦种出苗率的影响。Its application in germination rate of winter wheat was also studied.

目前预测杂草的出苗的可靠模型还很少。At present, reliable models about predicting weed germination are few.

萌发力是种子检验的重要内容。Germination test is one of the most important aspects of seed testing.