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胎儿DNA潜藏于母亲的血浆中。Foetal DNA floats in mother's plasma

她闭着眼睛,蜷缩着倒下去。Her eyes were closed and she was falling almost into a foetal position.

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中鸽胎毛笔技术培训中心。为创业者加工。Dove in the foetal hair pen technology training center for entrepreneurs.

越来越多的测试方法可用来检测畸胎。An increasing number of teats are available for detecting foetal abnomolities.

此时胎儿大约3厘米长,胚胎进入到了胎儿发育阶段。When fetus is about 3 cm long, fetal embryos is in foetal developmental stage.

它是由胎儿的组织和母体的组织构成,二者呈指状咬合状。It consists of foetal tissues and mother's tissues with the tissues interdigitated.

他可能是被放在原木的绞刑架上,然后竖起来,成为松弛的、胎儿一般的姿势。He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position.

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妊娠期妇女长期吸入苯会导致胎儿发育畸形和流产。Ie women will lead to long-term inhalation of benzene foetal growth deformities and abortion.

胎儿的形成增加了母亲的叶酸和不足,需要在怀孕期间很常见。Foetal formation increases the mother's need for folic acid and deficiency is common during pregnancy.

人工器官可以利用人类的羊水和动物的胚胎细胞在实验室创造出来。The artificial organs were created in a laboratory using human amniotic fluid and animal foetal cells.

治疗胎儿甲状腺机能减退很重要,因为该病可能影响小儿的身体行动能力。Treatment of foetal hypothyroidism is important because it may affect the physical skills of the baby.

她像胎儿一样,蜷缩着,她的手被捆在后背,血溅泼到她房间的墙上。She is curled up in a foetal position, her hands tied behind her back, blood splattered on her bedroom wall.

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绒毛膜和羊膜是分别形成胎盘和羊膜囊的胎膜组织。The chorion and amnion are foetal membranes that contribute to the placenta and the foetal sac respectively.

医生一直对畸形婴儿和怀孕期摄取酒精之间的联系产生怀疑。Doctors have long suspected an association between foetal abnormality and alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

采购产品病人显示器,数字视频,胎儿监视器,麻醉机,呼吸机的医疗设备。Patient Monitors, Digital Video Colposcoopes, Foetal Monitors, Anaesthesia Machines, Ventilators Medical Equipment.

菲普斯表示在四种睡姿中胎儿型是焦虑者最喜欢的——也是目前最常见的一种睡姿。Mr Phipps has identified four positions and says the foetal – most favoured by worriers – is by far the most common.

但是它可能也是母亲吸烟导致胎儿营养不良的原因。But it might also be the case that the mother's smoking leads to a form of foetal malnutrition, " says Matz Larsson."

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世界卫生组织将满28周的胎儿死亡定义为死产,而这亦是国际比较的标准。For international comparison, World Health Organization defined stillbirths as foetal death after 28 weeks' gestation.

空怀母猪主要是由于35天前的胚胎吸收和胎儿的死亡以及伪怀孕所造成。Sows found not in-pig are due to either total embryo absorption before 35 days or complete foetal death and a pseudo-pregnancy.

海马状突起新陈代谢很活跃,尤其是在胎儿期,这需要很多的铁元素。"The hippocampus is very metabolically active, particularly during foetal development, and requires a lot of iron, " DeBoer says.