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我继续战斗!I fight on!

一次刀战中。A knife fight.

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我和你打!Iwill fight you.

伙计们,拼了"Fight harder men!

我跟你们并肩作战!I fight with you!

谁敢和我打?Whowill fight me?

我们可以反击。We can fight back.

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你要和我角斗吗?Would you fight me?

他们抗争,我们等待。They fight. We wait.

以毒攻毒,以火攻火。Fight fire with fire.

竭力为它们辩护。Fight to defend them.

这是一场艰苦的战斗。It was a tough fight.

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交纳贡礼或顽强抵抗。Pay tribute or fight.

在俱乐部内部的不算。And not in fight club.

他太胖了无法打仗。He is too fat to fight.

我问,那么搏击俱乐部呢。I ask about fight club.

在一家酒吧的殴斗中被刺杀。Stabbed in a bar fight.

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打漂亮的一仗。They're having a fight.

谁先吵起来的?Who started this fight?

我为我的孩子们而战斗。I fight for my children.