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他们向州长提出了宽刑的申辩书。They addressed to the governor a plea for clemency.

在关押了十八年之后,她请求宽恕得到了批准。In the eighteenth, her plea for clemency was granted.

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法官认为对年轻的犯罪者应以慈悲为怀。The judge believed in clemency for youthful offenders.

但我的仁慈随时准备赐予战败者。But my clemency is ever prompt to stoop to the vanquished.

那个被判罪的囚犯抖缩着并开始抽泣请求宽恕。The condemned prisoner cowered and began to whimper for clemency.

我们希望,北韩给予宽大处理,并将他们递解出境。We hope thattheNorth Koreans will grant clemency and deport them.

她向法院请求宽恕但法院予以拒绝。She has asked forgiveness from the court but the judges refused to grant clemency.

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他们的宣传有足够的政治影响力,迫使利比亚实施了减刑。Their advocacy had enough political impact to pressure Libya to exercise clemency.

但每天的两次休息,每次休息完,法官们又回归仁慈,在休息期间法官们会退下法庭去吃东西。But clemency returned after each of two daily breaks, during which the judges retired for food.

新加坡处死了两名走私毒品的非洲人,尽管尼日利亚总统此前请求给予从宽处理。Singapore has executed two Africans for drug smuggling despite a plea of clemency from Nigeria's president.

圣诞节的前三天,我批准为62名罪犯赦免或减刑。Three days before Christmas, I granted executive clemency or commutations of sentences to sixty-two people.

来自伦敦的阿克毛现年53岁,尽管因他的精神问题请求宽恕,但仍死于12月29日。The 53-year-old, from London, died on 29 December despite pleas for clemency on the grounds he was mentally ill.

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这种感觉首先来源于开放式的玄关,其次是正对着门口的宽大玻璃飘窗。This feeling first came from the bedroom open, followed by the entrance is opposite the glass Piaochuang clemency.

伊拉克记者联盟的首领已经要求政府温和对待仍在监押中的该记者。The head of Iraq's journalists' union has asked the government for clemency towards the journalist who is still in custody.

尽管记者的家人再三的申请对她们的宽容,两名记者被送到朝鲜臭名昭著的监狱集中营。The sentence to North Korea’s infamous prison camps came despite repeated appeals for clemency from the journalists’ families.

波伊德的死刑是在北卡罗莱纳州州长伊斯雷和美国高级法院驳回他的最终上诉后执行的。Boyd's execution was carried out after North Carolina Governor Mike Easley and the U.S. Supreme Court denied his final pleas for clemency.

罗马天主教会近日暗示或将介入伊朗妇女被判石刑一案,争取伊朗当局对这名妇女从轻处理。The Roman Catholic Church has suggested it might push for clemency in the case of a woman in Iran who's been sentenced to death by stoning.

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艾瑞克厚德由于其在比尔克林顿赦免一个狡猾的金融家中所扮演的角色以及对于一些波多黎各恐怖分子的宽大处理而被人所诟病。Eric Holder has been chided for his role in Bill Clinton's pardon of a dodgy financier and grant of clemency for some Puerto Rican terrorists.

“政府对赵没有显示任何仁慈,赵是一个他并没有涉入的事件的一只替罪羊。”在一个声明中,这个组织说。"The government showed no clemency towards Zhao, who was a scapegoat in an affair of state in which he was not involved, " it said in a statement.

意大利政府也再次为她求情,恳请伊朗政府免其死罪,敦促伊朗政府在此案中表现出人道主义姿态。The Italian government has also renewed its appeal to Iran to spare her life, saying it urged Teheran to consider a gesture of clemency in the case.