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奥利弗伍德沃德的非凡真实故事。The extraordinary true story of Oliver Woodward.

伍德沃德说,当一名新闻记者是世界上最好的工作。Being a journalist is the best job in the world, Woodward said.

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伍德沃德混频器提供高的同质性非常低的阻力。Woodward mixers provide high homogeneity at very low resistance.

它是设计用于与伍德沃德模拟和数字控制。It is designed for use with Woodward analog and digital controls.

该伍德沃德环境商品和服务的系统有充分的权力,星火,燃料和空气。The Woodward EGS system has full authority over spark, fuel, and air.

1958年,保罗·纽曼与首任妻子分手后和演员乔安娜·伍德沃德结合。Paul Newman divorced his first wife to marry actor Joanne Woodward in 1958.

秋季,肯尼迪派理查德古德温去担任白德沃德的副手。In the fall kennedy sent richard goodwin over to serve as woodward 's deputy.

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巫华德先生曾说过他愿否透露「深喉咙」的身分吗?Did Mr. Woodward ever state whether or not he will reveal the identity of "Deep Throat"?

伍德沃德说,他经常在一本书上花12至18个月的时间,所以有足够的时间深入调查。Woodward said he often spends 12 to 18 months on a book, so there is time to be thorough.

他关于增兵的理由最后遭到华盛顿邮报的鲍勃·伍德沃德炮轰而没能站得住脚。His rationale for new troops ended up in the hands of Bob Woodward of the Washington Post.

我心目中的英雄是水门事件中的记者鲍勃·伍德和沃德卡尔·伯恩斯坦,还有那些战地记者。My heroes were people like Woodward and Bernstein and the people reporting from war zones.

现在还有个C·凡·沃德沃的历史学家,他一生很多时间都在研究南方Now, C. Vann Woodward weighed in on this, a great historian, worked here much of his life.

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但显然有另一种阴影,伍德沃德和许多其他作家对此都有过著作But there's another kind of burden, and again Woodward and many others have written about this.

英国和爱尔兰狮队的教练克来夫·伍德沃还专门邀请威廉王子到场为该队加油助威。Royal aides said he was invited to support the British Lions by the team's coach, Clive Woodward.

英国和爱尔兰狮队的教练克来夫·伍德沃还专门邀请威廉王子到场为该队加油助威。Royal aides said he was invited to support the British Lions by the team's coach, Clive Woodward.

乔维尔与旅游部次官萧恩.伍德瓦德担心,床铺税如付诸实施,会危及国内旅游业。Jowell and Shaun Woodward , the Tourism Minister, fear that the tax will jeopardise domestic tourism.

并将本文提出的改进伍德沃德方法及遗传算法,用于设计FAST馈源阵列的方向图。And the modified Woodward method and genetic algorithm are used to design the FAST feed array pattern.

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研究人员惠特曼和伍德沃德最近通过一项实验室实验证明了这一效应。Researchers Whitman and Woodward recently demonstrated this effect in a controlled laboratory setting.

我非常欣赏我的合作者们在处理这件事时表现出的开放性。"I just appreciate the openness with which my co-authors have dealt with this, " Woodward told

伍德沃德从亚利桑那州立大学航空工程专业毕业后于1983年加入空军。Woodward aeronautical engineering from Arizona State University after graduation joined the Air Force in 1983.