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我很爱她。你觉得奇利斯·斯坦顿很优秀吗?I love her. Do you think Chiles Stanton is pretty?

伊丽莎白凯迪斯坦顿和她的女儿哈里奥特。Elizabeth Cady Stanton and her daughter, Harriot, 1856.

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迈可抵达了仓库,与斯坦顿和达洛见了面。Michael goes to the warehouse to meet with Stanton and Senator Dallow.

史丹顿不仅拒绝执行林肯的命令,而且大骂林肯愚蠢。Stanton not only refuses to execute the command and at Lincoln, Lincoln.

他迅速下马,在路边坐下,给斯坦顿写了份电报。He sat down at the side of the road and wrote a telegram to Secretary Stanton.

斯坦顿准备射杀迈克尔,法警舒特却射杀了斯坦顿。As Stanton is about to kill Michael, U. S. Marshall Sooter shoots Stanton instead.

陆军部长埃德温·M·斯坦顿命令将詹姆斯?范?米特释放。Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton ordered that James Van Metre should be released.

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中国社会科学院金融研究所研究院,货币理论和货币政策的主任,他说恽捧。Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Industrial Economics, said Stanton.

尽管如此,斯坦顿说他仍然不能保持参加定期的锻炼课程。In spite of this, Stanton says he still doesn't maintain a regular exercise regimen.

斯坦顿和另外120名被研究的对象年龄跨度从60岁到80岁。Stanton and the other 120 men and women in the study ranged from 60 to 80 years old.

他打给上司斯坦顿,声称迈可一伙埋伏袭击了他,并且杀害了翠珊。He calls Stanton to explain that Michael and Lincoln ambushed him and killed Trishanne.

卡迪·斯坦顿的丈夫去世后,她对性别不平等的问题进行了更深层的研究。After her husband died, Cady Stanton deepened her analysis of inequality between the sexes.

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斯坦顿给迈可打了个电话,迈可向他解释是赛尔夫偷走了“锡拉”,并冷血地杀死了翠珊。Stanton calls Michael, who explains that Self stole Scylla and killed two agents in cold blood.

加拿大人斯坦顿说,“我把BodyGlide擦到鼻子和脸颊上来防止冻伤。”"I use BodyGlide on my nose and on my cheeks to prevent frostbite, " says the Canadian Stanton.

但是,斯坦顿认真地研究了叛逃者对它的描述,并仔细搜索了地图上的类似建筑。But Mr. Stanton had pored over defector sketches of it and combed the map for familiar structures.

在赛尔夫的办公室,他向主管斯坦顿汇报了,锡拉是总共6张卡的集合。In his office, Self explains to his director Stanton that they now need a total of six Scylla cards.

斯塔顿•戴维斯和吉姆•外姆普停止了谈话,听着街上的越来越大的吵闹声。Stanton Davies and Jim Wemple ceased from their talk to listen to an increase of uproar in the street.

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斯坦顿夫人作为一名为妇女权利而斗争的运动领导人已经蜚声全国。Mrs. Stanton had already gained a national reputation as a leading rebel in the fight for women's rights.

斯坦顿与参议员达洛讨论当前的形势,然后他们向美国法警署的舒特介绍了迈可一伙的情况。Stanton discusses the situation with Senator Dallow and they brief the U. S. Marshal Sooter on Michael and Lincoln.

离婚所带有的道德色彩也逐渐消褪,要知道一个世纪前,伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿还把离婚称为“社会大地震”。And the stigma of divorce has long since faded. A century ago, Elizabeth Cady Stanton called it a “social earthquake.”