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请办一张去里奇蒙的学生半价周票。A weekly concession to Richmond, please.

我们在这个问题上不能过于让步。We can not make heavy concession to the matter.

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1845年起外滩地带被划为英国租界。From 1845, the Bund was in the British Concession.

单杯饮料或酒水,续杯享受半价优惠。Single drink, enjoy half-price for concession cup.

在价格上,我们可以考虑作一些让步。We may consider making some concession in our price.

法国公司的特许权将于1904年满期。The French company's concession would expire in 1904.

虽然卖相一般,但也将就了。Although sell mutually and generally, also concession.

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我们要向老年虚弱者让步。We must make some concession to the weakness of old age.

老年人凭老年证,门票半价优惠。Old card with the elderly, half-price concession tickets.

详情请浏览税务宽减计划网页。For details, please visit the Tax Concession Scheme website.

原法租界一个繁忙的街角。A busy little corner of food joints in the French Concession.

在谈判中,雇主向雇员做出了让步。Employers made a concession to the employees in negotiations.

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我们应经无法再在价格方面做出让步了。We are now in no way to make any further concession in price.

购买优待票请出示证件。Please present identifications to purchase concession tickets.

由于你是我们的熟客,我可以给你优惠。Since you are our regular customer, I could make a concession.

玛丽安溜到商摊去买蛋卷冰激凌。Marianne slipped to the Concession Stand for an ice cream cone.

我们的公司坐落在前上海的法租界的中心地段。We are located in the heart of Shanghai's former French Concession.

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独立式汽车品牌专营店是汽车贸易建筑的组成之一。Automobile Concession Shop is one of the Automobile Trade Buildings.

我们住在位于原英租界中心的非常漂亮的酒店。We stayed at a beautiful hotel in the heart of the British Concession.

英租威海卫的性质并非“租借地”而是“割据地”。The nature of the Territory was not a lease territory, but a concession.