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房间里有令人讨厌的味道。There is a noisome smell in the room.

空气受到了有害气体的污染。The air is infected with noisome gases.

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教室里有一股令人讨厌的气味。There is a noisome smell in the classroom.

那个世纪最令人厌恶的政客。They are most noisome politicians of that century.

但是,下水道中潜藏的危险和恶臭并没有吓退对教堂和纪念馆这些地方感到厌倦的游客。But danger and noisome corridors don't deter tourists bored with churches and monuments.

我甚至在药店后面的臭气扑鼻的小垃圾堆里寻找香烟盒子。I went so far as to comb a noisome little dump behind the drugstore for empty cigarette cartons.

同样也是长于这同一青泥,黄色的睡莲获取的只是那娇媚的身姿和那呛鼻的花味。Its the very same black mud out of which the yellow lily sucks its obscene life and noisome odor.

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但就是在这样的黑泥中,黄色的百合吸取那些污秽及有毒的东西。It is the very same black mud out of which the yellow lily sucks its obscene life and noisome odor.

清高必须让他在任何明智的做法太靠近琮你下否则,他做你自己的损坏有碍呼吸。Thou must in no wise let him approach too near unto thee, lest he do thee damage by his Noisome Breath.

在美国和欧洲,正在滋生的保护主义情绪是极端有害的,因为其中掺杂太多伪善。The growing protectionist sentiment in the US and Europe is particularly noisome because it reeks of so much hypocrisy.

以及它的促渗透作用,在经皮给药系统中也有更好的作用。Surfactant can promote the permeation of drug through skin, so noisome has exclusive advantages in vitro cutaneous delivery.

大概没有人会反对,电话与电脑发出的声音若可以不那麽吵杂,也算是一种改善。Probably few would argue with the notion that phones and computers would be improved if their bleats and whirrs were less noisome.

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我们的城市会变得越来越拥挤,景色会变得更加杂乱,空气和水也会变得愈发肮脏。Our cities will continue to become more crowded and noisome. The landscape will get more cluttered, the air and water even dirtier.

我若使恶兽经过糟践那地,使地荒凉,以致因这些兽,人都不得经过。If I cause noisome beasts to pass through the land, and they spoil it, so that it be desolate, that no man may pass through because of the beasts

况且,又从这万恶的人身上生出了蛆虫,他虽还活著,可是肌肉却一块一块脱落,疼痛万状,腐烂的臭味使全军想呕。So that worms swarmed out of the body of this man, and whilst he lived in sorrow and pain, his flesh fell off, and the filthiness of his smell was noisome to the army.

起先蒂姆托不想插手,但他不希望这对罗迪亚兄弟分开,更害怕心爱的安归那个可恶的菲尤人所有。Teemto at first did not want to get involved, but he hated the idea of the Rodian brothers separated, or worse, the lovely Ann becoming the property of the noisome Phuii.