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因为我拒绝让我的上帝和救主变成可有可无。I refuse to make my God and Saviour a nonentity.

因为不做事只说话,而说话总是很虚无的,虚无的东西便抓摸不着。And talking is always difficult to catch owing to its nonentity.

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“知道”是一个肯定的答案,不存在丝毫问题。"Know" is an answer of affirmation, nonentity the slightest problem.

这正如唯一无足轻重的小人物背着他的古吉拉特语字典到处走。It is like Mr. Nonentity toting his Gujarati dictionary eVery abundancewITe.

我跟公司一个小人物谈了一会,他什么信息也未能向我提供。I spoke to some nonentity at the company who couldn't give me any information.

这个部件是整个系统的关键因为缺了它系统就玩不转了。This part is the fulcrum of the whole system because the system is nonentity without it.

恰恰相反,他们应当选择一位毫无恶意,并且无足轻重的人物来担任这个职务,比如比利时首相赫尔曼·范·隆普。Instead, they should choose some harmless, plodding nonentity like Belgium's prime minister, Herman van Rompuy.

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在传统的视野中,舆论主体因具有“非实体”性特征,所以比较难以界定。In the traditional view, the subject of public opinion is hard to be defined because of its feature of nonentity.

对有缺陷的消费者,那些当代的没有者来说,不购物是一种不完满的生活——以及自身的虚无和一无是处的——刺耳而令人痛恨的污名。For defective consumers, those contemporary have-nots, non-shopping is the jarring and festering stigma of a life un-fulfilled –and of own nonentity and good-for-nothingness.

谢辽日卡本人是个微不足道的人,懒汉,酒鬼,手里一有钱就花光,然而一旦他手里拿著铅丹或者两脚规,他就成了个高尚的人物,上帝的仆人了。Seryozhka in himself is a nonentity a sluggard a drunkard and a wastrel but when he has his red lead or compasses in his hand he is at once something higher a servant of god.

对有缺陷的消费者,那些当代的没有者来说,不购物是一种不完满的生活——以及自身的虚无和一无是处的——刺耳而令人痛恨的污名。For defective consumers, those contemporary have-nots, non-shopping is the jarring and festering stigma of a life un-fulfilled – and of own nonentity and good-for-nothingness.

现行的产权代理关系导致国有商业银行经营目标具有多重性,造成国有商业银行经营行为异化、经营目标虚化、激励约束不足。Firstly the present entrusted property right relationship leads to banks' operation with multi-objectives, operating behavior deviation, operating target nonentity and insufficient incentive control.