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然后,当然,他又哈哈大笑。And then, of course, he laughs uproariously.

大家都哈哈大笑,只有一个女孩不笑。Everybody, but one girl, laughed uproariously.

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这样的想法作为炒作的噱头。The idea of laugh uproariously as speculation.

人们常常可以看到德国人大笑。Germans can often be observed laughing, uproariously.

“哎呀,不!”戈登回答,他对这个想法感到好笑。"Dear me, no! " is Gordon's answer and he laughs uproariously at the very thought of it!

旁观的人们哄然大笑,他觉得不太好意思。他不知道为什么要笑他,因为这是他第一次看见雪。The onlookers laughed uproariously , and he felt ashamed, he knew not why, for it was his first snow.

老板在讲笑话,大家都在哈哈大笑,可是坐在角落里的一个姑娘没有被逗乐。The boss was telling jokes. Everyone laughed uproariously. But a girl sitting in the corner was not amused.

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到底是一个炒作的噱头还是一次“超前的进步”,需要具体案例具体分析。What is a laugh uproariously or speculation of a "quick progress" requires specific analysis of specific cases.

而今后,商品住宅、经济适用房的开发商再在绿地上搞噱头就要碰壁了。And the future, the value of residential, the developer of housing in the green again, we run out laugh uproariously.

记者在此前的采访中了解到,这种“永不断电”其实就是小厂商的噱头。Reporter in interview before this found that this kind never the power failure is actually small manufacturer laughing uproariously.

正因为这个“多”字,去年北京的有些房展会已开始让人感到噱头过于牵强。It is precisely because of this "many" words, the last year Beijing has begun to make some citizens feel laugh uproariously too farfetched.

而有些别墅项目声称送后花园、送地下室,则纯属是噱头,别墅的花园与地下室本来就是每幢别墅的附属产品。Some claim to the villa and garden projects, to the basement, is a laugh uproariously , garden villas and villa basement inherently each subsidiary products.

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制造一个噱头大捞一笔在日渐成熟的消费者面前已行不通,银行开发商应踏踏实实地完善自己的营销策略。Create a laugh uproariously a big advantage in the face of increasingly sophisticated consumers have not, the banks should get developers refine their marketing strategy.

加上音乐手机的噱头,热卖也在情理之中了,最新售价为1400元,更有蓝红双色可选。In addition music handset's laughing uproariously , the sale also in the reason, the newest selling price was 1400 Yuan, had the blue red bi-color to be possible to elect.

这些元素林林总总,都只不过是为了吸引观众走进电影院的“噱头”,就像画皮的“皮”一样。These elements are numerous, just is to attract the audience to enter the movie theater to laugh uproariously , looks like the evildoer's disguise the skin to be the same.

宴会室、健身房、儿童游戏室一个不能少,室外恒温的游泳池也不再令人称奇,艺术气息则是新鲜热辣的噱头。Banquet room, fitness clubs, a children's play room is not small, the pool is no longer a matter of thermostatic outdoor movie, the public art is fresh and hot laugh uproariously.

我选择了普通的四铺位软卧,突然回忆起曾经有一对欢乐的陌生情侣,他们分了我些栗子和橘,喧闹地调侃我西式的字体。I chose the ordinary four-berth soft sleeper, remembering the cheerful companionship of strangers who offered me nuts and oranges and laughed uproariously at my Western handwriting.

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尽管他在学校里有很严格的纪律要求,但他富于幽默感,喜欢给孩子们讲一些小故事,常引得大家哄然大笑。Although he was quite strict about discipline within the school, he had a keen sense of humor and would delight in telling the children small stories that would make us laugh uproariously.

尽管噱头仍然是大富之家的蜚短流长,却不再把富家子、小开、千金设为主线。Although laughed uproariously was still greatly rich family's spreading malicious gossip, actually no longer the rich family, the shopkeeper's children, the daughter supposed for the master line.

在隔壁那间房里,也就是她那间狭小的候诊室,我的孩子们在吵吵闹闹地推翻一个又一个积木叠层塔,表现得远比等待家人要好,而且没有按我的吩咐穿上他们的鞋子。In the next room, her tiny waiting room, my children are uproariously knocking a Jenga tower over another, far better behaved waiting family and not putting their shoes on as I have asked them to.