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她说再也没有精力和钱去打官司了。She said no more energy and money to litigate.

新法还赋予它们提出诉讼的权利。The new law also grants them the right to litigate.

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但是我可能是不对,以及如果当事人需要提出诉讼,他们能提出诉讼”。But I might be wrong, and if parties want to litigate, they can litigate.

本章将行政合同的救济途径分为两条,即非诉讼救济机制和诉讼救济机制。This chapter divides the relief ways into two , non-litigate and litigate relief system.

第二章是测谎证据之于诉讼实践价值的评析。The second chapter value the assessment that lie-detection is applied to litigate activities.

在很多州,在夫妇对簿公堂之前,这种调节过程是义务的。In many states, the use of such mediation is mandatory before parents can litigate custody issues.

当天下午他们还将在越秀区法院与另外一家网吧对簿公堂。They still will be in that day afternoon court of more beautiful district and an Internet bar litigate.

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美国专利系统非常复杂,以致索赔诉讼长达数年,并且花费巨大。America's patent system is so complex that such claims can take years -- and cost millions -- to litigate.

解决人权的司法救济最终性,主要应当扩展诉权的内涵和处延。The final purpose of solving judicial almsgiving is to expand the meaning and extension of the rights to litigate.

确切的规章条例因司法权而有所不同,但是这会是个很好的选择去法庭争得金钱赔偿。The precise rules and requirements vary by jurisdiction, but it can be a cheap option to litigate a monetary claim.

假如收到传票,我们也会对传票进行评估,在必要的情况下甚至不惜对簿公堂。If receive subpoena, we also can undertake assessment to subpoena, not hesitate even below essential condition litigate.

如果是在新泽西或者纽约提起诉讼,需要5到10年时间才能进行审判,而在内华达,却只需要1年时间。When I litigate in New Jersey or New York, it takes five to ten years to get to trial. Out in Nevada, it only takes a year.

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但限制依然明显,中国公民现在能在网上发泄自己的不满,在公共场合进行抗议,为了赔偿而诉诸政府,在法庭里提出诉讼。While clear restrictions remain, Chinese citizens can now vent online, protest in public, appeal to government for redress, and litigate in court.

如果“任何人”都能对这一问题提出诉讼,原告就可能是就这一问题提出起诉的适当人选,但有些问题其实任何人都无权起诉。IF anyone could litigate the issue, the plaintIFf would be the proper person to do so, but some issues simply cannot be litigated by anyone at all.

利害关系人拒不起诉被审计单位的,人民法院应当通知被审计单位作为共同被告参加诉讼。If it refuses to litigate against the audited entity, the people's court shall notify the audited entity to participate in the litigation as a codefendant.

但是Saini说,如果像诺华这样的公司希望鼓励穷国的研究和发展,他们自己应该少诉讼、多创新。But, argues Saini, if companies like Novartis want to encourage research and development in poor countries, they would do better to litigate less and innovate more themselves.

在南方数以百计各学区中的贫困的非洲裔美国人几乎不可能用司法手段诉辩受隔离的黑人与白人学校的种种差异。Poor African Americans in each of the hundreds of school districts in the South could hardly be expected to litigate the comparative merits of segregated black and white schools.

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销售代表未经法律总监同意就签约,事后可能会发现按照管辖权条款,其诉讼只能向半个大陆远的某法院提出。A sales representative who signs an agreement without running it past the GC may discover later that a venue jurisdiction clause requires the company to litigate the matter half a continent away.