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游完泳后,我发现我的食欲大增。After swimming, I find that I have a voracious appetite.

他们那种贪婪的消费必须止步了。They must take a break from their voracious consumption.

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贪婪解咒就是这样的一个法术型能力。Voracious Dispelling is one of these spell-like abilities.

他们对任何类型的数据和事实的胃口都是欲壑难填。They have voracious appetites for facts and figures of any kind.

几乎是同时,有三只贪吃的松鸡,连虫带钩地把食饵吞了下去。Three voracious grouse swallowed at the same moment bait and hook.

一只老鼠从一只贪婪的非洲大牛蛙的巨口里向外张望。A mouse looks out from the jaws of a huge voracious African bullfrog.

“泼妇”号最大的缺点就是其巨大的能量消耗。The Virago 's greatest drawback was its voracious power requirements.

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逐渐将贪婪的胃口缩小些,再缩小些。Narrow voracious appetite gradually some, again some more contractible.

当地媒体正在用贪婪的胃口报道这一恐慌的每一方面。Local media are covering every aspect of the scare with a voracious appetite.

这些贪婪的食腐鸟类共同协作,分食大型动物的尸体。These voracious scavengers work together to strip the carcasses of large animals.

中国拥有世界最庞大的观众群体,因此国内对于影视题材、演员的需求也非常大。China's vast TV audience is the world's biggest, with a voracious demand for programming.

伴随着巨大的种群数量和贪婪的食性,兔子开始蚕食羊的放牧场。With their huge numbers and voracious appetites, they began eating the sheep's rangeland.

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联合会主席,马克·毛雷尔,是一名狂热的阅读者,他把路易斯·布莱叶比作亚伯拉罕·林肯。Its president, Marc Maurer, a voracious reader, compares Louis Braille to Abraham Lincoln.

运河的施工进度很缓慢,并且还饱受酷热、塌方以及严重虫害的拖累。Work on the canal was slow and complicated by brutal heat, landslides and voracious insects.

我7岁的儿子经历了疯狂背诵卡片式单词的过程后,变成了家里最狼吞虎咽的读书人。My son, who suffered the flash card assault, was by age 7 the family’s most voracious reader.

西班牙是最贪婪的捕鱼国和最大的受援助者,将接受11.3亿欧元的援助。Spain, the most voracious piscivore and the biggest recipient of aid, will get €1.13 billion.

这只老鼠经过一只贪婪的非洲牛蛙时,遭遇了不愉快的结局,生命垂危。This danger mouse met a sticky end when crossing the path of the voracious African bull frog.

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黑面琵鹭的觅食能力不很强,因此需要更多的保护。Black-faced spoonbills are not voracious feeders , and so are even more needful of protection.

它们的贪婪程度仅次于每天能吃掉相当于自身体重的食物的成虫。They are only slightly less voracious than adults, who eat their own weight of food every day.

除了能吃,银鱼还对船只构成了直接威胁。And if their voracious eating habits weren't enough, silver carp pose a direct threat to boaters.