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通货膨胀使物价节节上涨。Monetary inflation spirals inexorably on.

而爱,最后却让我们无情的相离。But love, finally let us inexorably onward.

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多少次,这个不可逃避的真理,用膝盖压住他的胸膛!How many times had the truth set her knee inexorably upon his breast!

这再次证明Lark的市场营销现在与苹果紧紧捆绑在了一起。More proof that Lark's marketing is now inexorably hitched to Apple's.

总统面临一个问题,他的人民正在离他而去,很缓慢但很决绝。The president has a point. His people are moving, slowly but inexorably.

因此,目的型国家理论不可避免地是不稳定且压制的。End-state theories are , therefore, inexorably destabilizing and coercive.

水流吞噬者他们,他们被无情的拉向那座桥。The current had them in its teeth. They drifted inexorably toward the bridge.

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我们尽管不留情地驳斥他们的哲学,但却仍把他们当作哲学家来尊敬。We salute them as philosophers, while inexorably denouncing their philosophy.

左岸曾经宁静的吉隆特河正在慢慢地消失。The once-peaceful left bank of the Garonne is slowly and inexorably disappearing.

但是罗博克称,不断积累的温室气体将会无情地超越这些影响。But they will be overwhelmed by inexorably building greenhouse gases, Robock says.

如果不行,我宁愿相信当国家债务继续上升将无情地杀掉我们。If not, I submit higher rates when the national debt rises inexorably will kill us.

中国石油需求量猛增,而国内生产量几乎没有增长。While oil demand has risen inexorably in China, domestic production has barely increased.

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船的主桅杆尚在风中苦苦支撑,也在剧烈颤动,疯狂的大海正无情地把船推向死亡的深渊。The mast shuddered in its bed but held, and the sea bore the ship inexorably to its death.

看着月亮不可阻逆地高升,也就是在我们内心求索一种不寻常的宁谧。To watch the moon move inexorably higher is to find an unusual stillness within ourselves.

对苹果来说,这很容易成功,就像报纸无情地缓解社论式广告。This is easy for Apple to manage, as newspapers inexorably ease from editorial to advertorial.

就这样,我仿佛看到自己被捆绑在传送带上,被一步步推向锋利的齿轮。I saw myself on a conveyor belt, being pulled inexorably toward the meshing of razor-sharp gears.

“民主革命”的扩张显得有些犹豫,但最终还是不留情面的从法国蔓延到欧洲其他国家。This "democratic revolution" spread haltingly but inexorably form France to other countries of Europe.

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当中国的经济正辉煌的向前迈进,美国已经陷入了无情的泥潭。While China’s economy has roared on magnificently, the United States has sunk inexorably into the mire.

尽管黑暗势力看上去神态自若,但他们看到一切向他们无情的行进,他们已处于完全的恐慌中。Despite its outer calm demeanor, the dark is in total panic over what it sees inexorably marching toward it.

故事的最终结局是斯科拉里麾下的切尔西从争冠行列不可救药的滑落,其本人也在一个月之内下了课。The Brazilian's team were inexorably sliding from the title pursuit, and the manager would be gone within a month.