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是防冻增效的关键措施之一。Antifreezing efficiency is one of the key measures.

再对3种常用防冻剂进行了筛选。Later the 3 common antifreezing agents were studied.

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得到了亚硝酸盐钠作为防冻剂的最佳掺量。The suitable percent of the sodium nitrite as antifreezing agent was obtained.

高低压保护,电流过载保护,防冻保护,电子延时保护。High &low voltage protection, current overload protection, antifreezing protection, electronical delay protection.

利用地温预热入风流技术,设计了金厂沟梁金矿冬季防冻通风系统。An antifreezing ventilation system at winter in a gold mine is designed by use of the earth temperature preheating technology.

通过添加某种特效添加剂,研制了一种新型的对6种金属具有较好防腐性的汽车防冻液。By adding a specific additive, a new antifreezing fluid used in automobile which is good for 6 metals protection has been developed.

用来简易的测量防冻液或冷却剂中乙烯、乙二醇浓度及其冰点。WZ405 coolant detector is used to simply measure the density and freezing point of ethylene and ethanediol in antifreezing fluid or coolant.

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大型直接空冷机组空冷凝汽器在冬季启动、停机过程以及低负荷运行阶段的防冻问题尤为突出。Antifreezing is always a notable problem in the start-up in winter, shutdown process and low load operation period of air cooling condenser of large size direct air cooling unit.

用作清漆染料油墨和某些无机化合物的溶剂用于制造聚酯树脂增塑剂表面活性剂耐寒润滑油防冻液等。Solvent for lacquers dyestuffs inks and some inorganic compounds Can also be used in the manufacture of polyether plasticisers surfactants antifreezing lubricants antifreezes etc.

适用于新老建筑的室内外、各种管道、船泊、各种仓库的防水、防火、防冻工程。It is low in cost, simple in reaction, non-toxic, easy to use and convenient for construction, so that it is applicable to various water-proofing, fire-proofing and antifreezing engineerings.