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他是一个无形之神的崇拜者。He was a worshipper of the formless God.

光的身体是我的无形态去形成的。Body of Light was my formless form formed.

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远离未来,无形态仍正在形成。Far from the future, formless yet forming.

清空你的大脑。无形,无状,正如水。Empty your mind. Be formless , shapeless, like water.

而修行完备的人是游心于此无形之境的。The spirit of a man of perfect practice roams in the field of the formless.

后现代主义作品常常看似毫无形式,像由断裂的碎片构成。Postmodernist fiction often seems to be composed of fragments and thus formless.

一开始的时候,当上帝创造天地万物时,大地是没有任何形状,并且毫无人烟。In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate.

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卡比尔曾经说过,‘无形的绝对者是我的父亲,有形的神是我的母亲。’Kabir used to say, 'The formless Absolute is my Father, and God with form is my Mother. '

它可以变得如此有力量,它几乎可以扫除一切。It can become so powerful, that is obliterates almost anything. Peace is the formless in you.

沙杰汗,你用美诱惑它,使它着迷而被俘,你给无形的死神戴上了永不凋谢的形象的王冠。You allured him with beauty, made him captive, and crowned the formless death with fadeless form.

你们无形的部分,你们先天的自我,只有通过你们对于知晓我的渴望而进入生活。AM that formless part of you, your innate self, moved to life only through your desire to know Me.

我跳进形象海洋的深处,希看能得到那无形象的完善的珍珠。I dive down into the depth of the ocean of forms, hoping to gain the perfect pearl of the formless.

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英语中有些元音在讲话时没有重读,结果成了相当不定型的中央元音了。Some English vowel sounds which are not given weight in speech become reduced to a rather formless central vowel.

他们仅有的是,在一种无形物质中的机遇,在其中他们能采纳,并强加任何他们喜欢的形式。They only had the occasion in a kind of formless matter upon which they could adopt and impose any form they took.

因为苏不喜欢卡洛琳,她用友视的目光看着卡洛琳的画,称这些画乱七八糟的的涂抹。Because Sue disliked Carolyn, she looked at Carolyn's paintings with a jaundiced eye, calling them formless smears.

阿罗罗摩罗仙人达到的状态是比无定形的世界高得多,身体的物质不再存在。The state attained by Alara-Kalama was that of a much higher formless world where physical matter no longer exists.

这对农夫们来说是一年中最繁忙的时刻。没有形状的泥浆被转换为有序的田野网格。This is the busiest time of the year for the farmers. The formless mud is transformed into an ordered grid of fields.

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我偏爱有点像洞穴一样的无意识空间,一些存在与自然与人造物之间的无定形的形式。I prefer something like the cave-like-unintentional space, something that is in between nature and artifact – formless form.

宇宙意识是如何在这无形的虚无中构建星体、天空、地球和地球上的生物的呢?How did Universal Mind construct the planets, the firmaments , the earth and all things on and in it from this formless void?

他期待林务局的主管们走进无领袖且无固定形式的会议,他称之为开放空间科技。He expected nothing less from the forestry managers toward the largely leaderless and formless meeting he calls Open Space Technology.