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绝对主义并非仅仅由于这场动乱而产生Absolutism did not simply just emerge out of this turmoil.

简而言之,这就是绝对王权So, this is what, in a nutshell, kind of what absolutism was.

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哲学家伊曼努尔·康德是一个道德绝对主义发展的推动者。The philosopher Immanuel Kant was a promoter of moral absolutism.

吉尔博士指出道德绝对主义的消亡是一个主要因素。Dr. Gill points to the death of moral absolutism as a major factor.

这不是个贬义词,那么贵族是如何在其中获得好处的呢That's not a bad phrase, junior partners in absolutism. So, what happens?

绝对主义的学说起源于早期的法学家的理论But there were doctrines of absolutism that originated with jurists early.

他看起来是专制主义的完美例子,他支持专制的政府。He seems to be the perfect model of absolutism and of absolute government.

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其次,正如我曾讲过的,这些地方反对绝对主义Secondly, as I tried to suggest the other day, these places resist absolutism.

我前面提到过,贵族是如何臣服在统治者的绝对权威之下So, I already mentioned about how nobles become junior partners in absolutism.

1979年也传出过同样的呼喊声,但是仅仅唤来另一种专制主义形式。The same cry was heard in 1979, only for one form of absolutism to yield to another.

在专制主义的封建社会中,最容易衍生谄谀的小人。In the feudal society of absolutism derive the lilliputian of flatter the most easily.

一方面,你会发现霍布斯,是专制主义的坚定捍卫者。On the one hand, you will find Hobbes the most articulate defender of political absolutism.

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其次,宽容有时会适得其反。因为相对主义者并不接受不宽容或者绝对主义。Second, it is self-defeating because relativists do not tolerate intolerance or absolutism.

然而,古典论坛认识论的一元论在目前的时间是被称为专制。However, the classical forum of epistemological Monism at the present time is known as Absolutism.

实证主义和绝对主义的暴力观都有其合理性,但未能全面揭示暴力的本质。The definition of violence of positivism and absolutism cant probe deeply into the essence of violence.

在坚持客观性立场时,又必须反对绝对主义的立场,贯彻理解问题上的辩证法。We however should oppose the standpoint of absolutism and carry out the dialectics in the comprehension.

它从以往提倡的绝对论转向相对论、从一元论转向多元论、从独断论转向自由论。This is a shift from previous absolutism to relativism, from monism to pluralism, from dogmatism to liberalism.

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道德绝对主义里准宗教性的论据则讨论自由意志、选择与道德的关系。Semi-religious arguments for moral absolutism have to do with the relationship between free will, choice, and morals.

我们不能误以为毫无妥协余地是在坚持原则,或者以做秀取代政治,或者以相互指责取代理性的辩论。We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate.

他的君主观念的形成,对中国两千多年君主专制超稳定结构的形成产生了重大的影响。For two thousand years, the formation of Dong Zhongshu's concept on Monarch has brought a great effect on Chinese Monarch absolutism.