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脊索但无真正的脊柱鱼类动物。The vertebrate spine or spinal column.

脾脏某些脊椎动物的脾脏,如牛或猪的。The spleen of certain vertebrate animals, such as cows or pigs.

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日本七鳃鳗是现存最原始而特化的脊椎动物之一。Japanese Lamprey is one of the most primitive extant vertebrate.

脊椎动物的大脑正是这样的复杂功能模块。The vertebrate brain is the most complex example of a modular system.

心脏是脊椎动物器官发生过程中最早形成的器官之一。The heart is one of first organs to form during organogenesis in the vertebrate.

心脏是脊椎动物器官发生过程中最早形成的结构之一。The heart is one of first structures to form during organogenesis in the vertebrate.

文昌鱼代表由无脊椎动物进化到脊椎动物的过渡类型。Amphioxus represents the transitional type of animals from invertebrate to vertebrate.

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小家鼠、欧洲兔和红狐是在澳洲危害最为严重的3种有害脊椎动物。House mice, European rabbit and red fox are the three major vertebrate pests in Australia.

大乌龟可以活150年,是脊椎动物中寿命最长的。Giant tortoises can live for up to 150 years and are the longest living vertebrate animals.

无脊椎的脊索动物咽部内柱有与脊椎动物的甲状腺同源器官。The invertebrate chordate pharyngeal endostyle is the homolog of the vertebrate thyroid gland.

像许多其他雄性脊椎动物一样,如有可能,它们会拥有不止一个配偶。Like males of most other vertebrate species, these animals take more than one mate if they can.

这是首次在脊椎动物幼仔中发现,它们能够使用声音在水下进行沟通。It is the first time any vertebrate larva has been found to use sound to communicate underwater.

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DMRT家族是在动物中发现的一类编码转录因子的基因家族。The DMRT family of transcription factors are found in many nonvertebrate and vertebrate animals.

这里满是史前生物化石的地层曾被誉为北美古脊椎动物的发源地。The ancient bone bed has been called the birthplace of vertebrate paleontology in North America.

罗伯特山森博士是莱斯特大学古生物学家,早期在英格兰从事脊椎动物进化史的研究。Dr. Robert Sansom in a researcher based in England, who specializes in early vertebrate evolution.

观察表明,大鲵肝不具肝小叶,与其他脊椎动物有所不同。The results showed that the liver had no hepatic lobule, which was different from other vertebrate.

这是首个被记录在案的植物与脊椎动物共生的例子。This is the first documented case of a plant living in partnership, or symbiosis, with a vertebrate.

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中胚叶节脊索类脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层的中间部分,…The middle zone of the mesoderm of a chordate vertebrate embryo, from which excretory tissue develops.

胎基本结构与成年动物相似的胎生脊椎动物未出生的幼子。The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.

在脊椎动物中,神经元细胞是大脑、脊髓和末稍神经的核心组成成分。In vertebrate animals, neurons are the core components of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.