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罪有应得。You deserved it.

这倒也是他应得的荣誉。And he deserved it too.

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我死,她死,都是我罪有应得。I deserved my death and hers.

她应该为此得到他的感谢。She deserved his thanks for it.

这等人定罪,是该当的Their condemnation is deserved.

“我们应该获胜,”贝尼特斯说。"We deserved to win, " Benítez said.

他认为女队应该赢。He thought the girls deserved to win.

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我感觉自己该去修个脚,按摩按摩,放松一下。I felt I deserved a pedicure and a massage.

对他的赞扬他完全受之无愧。The praise accorded him was fully deserved.

他理应得到更好的结果,我们理应看到更好的比赛,比赛理应得到更多的尊重。We deserved better. The game deserves better.

但是,对大猩猩的这种观点可能并不公道。But that view of gorillas may not be deserved.

君当更多赞,美丽另用之How much more praise deserved thy beauty’s use

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这些战士有功于他们的国家。These soldiers deserved well of their country.

“他当然是值得表扬的,”托德说。"He deserved credit, certainly, " Tonder said.

到底有多少的溢美值得青春去领受。How much more praise deserved thy beauty's use.

她为政府做出了许多贡献,理应受到奖赏。She deserved well of the Government for service.

他们有资格得到提名受奖。They deserved being recommended for a decoration.

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他并不真得值得他们给他那么多的荣誉。They gave him more eclat than he really deserved.

前面五个字,以汉奸论罪。In front of five characters to a traitor deserved.

荣誉归于西班牙和他们的踢踏足球,这是他们所应得的。Kudos to Spain and their tiki-taka. They deserved it.