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加利福尼亚大学计算机科学大楼里的50台PC机现在都运行着“休眠服务器”这款软件。Fifty PCs in the computer science building of UCSD are now running SleepServer.

UCSD的研究人员表示,他们将提交此研究报告到医学杂志发表。The UCSD researchers said they will submit the study to a medical journal for publication.

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在这项研究中,他们和加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的克里斯托弗•道维斯使用了一项全国性数据,这项数据对1000多对同卵及异卵双胞胎的基因进行了对比。For this study, they and Christopher Dawes of UCSD used national data that compared more than 1,000 identical and fraternal twins.

该文的第一作者说“该研究开启了一系列癌症潜在靶向治疗的大门。Weaver, of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and UCSD Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, the study's first author.

Mandell认为,在这实现以前,其他科学家们一定不停通过更多的测试,不断重复求证UCSD团队的研究成果。Before that happens, other scientists must replicate the findings of the UCSD team using larger numbers of test subjects, Mandell said.

这是一个日本化学家,还有,他在哥伦比亚大学,还有,他在。who's a Japanese chemist, Martin Chalfi and then Martin Chalfi who's at Columbia, Robert Chen and Robert Chen UCSD who's at U. C. San Diego.

阿加沃的解决方案,由他跟加利福尼亚大学的另外两名教授史蒂芬和拉杰史一起开发,是创造出一个隔离的、虚拟的机器备份。Agarwal's solution, developed with two UCSD professors, Stefan Savage and Rajesh Gupta, is to create a stripped down, virtual copy of a machine.

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阿加沃的解决方案,由他跟加利福尼亚大学的另外两名教授史蒂芬和拉杰史一起开发,是创造出一个隔离的、虚拟的机器备份。Agarwal's solution, developed with two other UCSD professors, Stefan Savage and Rajesh Gupta, is to create a stripped down, virtual copy of a machine.

UCSD的研究人员对年龄从13个月到4岁的43名入学儿童进行观测,他们跟踪观察了这些儿童2年,时间足够长以确诊其中23名儿童患有自闭症,其余则表现正常。The UCSD study enrolled 43 children between the ages of 13 months and 4 years. They followed the children for two years, long enough to diagnose 23 with autism.

Mandell带领的评论小组选择了UCSD的这项研究报告,提交至最近召开的自闭症国际研讨会。Mandell led a panel of reviewers who selected the UCSD study to be among the papers presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, which was recently held in Philadelphia.

后者同时还兼任加州大学圣迭戈分校糖生物学研究与培训中心的主任,该中心的研究者已经发现了病原菌与固有免疫系统间的相互作用。Varki is also co-director of the UCSD Glycobiology Research and Training Center, where the investigators have been exploring the interaction of bacterial pathogens with the innate immune system.