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小猪喝脱脂乳而且很爱喝。The piglets had the buttermilk and loved it.

取一只大的浅碗,放入洋葱和酪乳,搅拌。In a large shallow bowl, toss onions with buttermilk.

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增加一半脱脂酸牛奶混合物搅拌,直到组合。Add half the buttermilk mixture and mix until combined.

然后改用一只木勺,拌入脱脂奶和咖啡。Using a wooden spoon, fold in the buttermilk and the coffee.

在一个脱脂奶罐里,全神贯注在他的恋爱当中。In a pot of buttermilk , totally absorbed in his love affair.

在好利节,一个黄油与牛奶罐会被高高悬挂在大街上。During a holi, a pot of buttermilk is hung high up in the street.

起初,圣僧靠卖酪乳养家。In the beginning, the holy man supported her by selling buttermilk.

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所以传统牛奶经此设计后,尝起来酸酸的。Thus creating the sour taste associated with traditional buttermilk.

加入鸡蛋液,黄油,酸奶,脱脂奶及香草搅匀。Add eggs, butter, yogurt, buttermilk and vanilla and mix until smooth.

酪乳智者收到信后相信了里面所写的每一句话。When the Buttermilk Wise Man received the letter he believed every word.

在另一浅碗中,打散蛋,混合牛奶与辣椒酱。In another shallow bowl, whisk the eggs, buttermilk and hot pepper sauce.

但是酪乳智者抱着他妻子一定会回来的想法留在了小屋里。But the Buttermilk Wise Man remained in his hut, convinced that his wife would return.

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他们返回村子时,酪乳智者就问起他的妻子发生了什么事。When they returned to the village, the Buttermilk Wise Man asked what happened to his wife.

白脱牛奶以及鸡蛋搅拌均匀,再加入玉米粉直至搅拌均匀平滑。Whisk buttermilk into eggs, then add to cornmeal mixture and whisk vigorously until smooth.

避免把酸类食物,比如柑橘,食醋和白脱牛奶与高淀粉类食物搭配在一餐中。Avoid combining acids such as citrus, vinegar and buttermilk with any high starch at one meal.

加糖和盐,搅拌均匀,再加入牛奶形成松松的烤饼状。Add the sugar and salt, stir well, and then add the buttermilk to form a loose, scone-type mixture.

你可以将各种酵母混合,将酸奶中的酸奶中的苹果般的清醒和脱脂乳中的黄油特征相结合。You can combine starters and blend the apple-freshness of yogurt with the butteriness of buttermilk.

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例如,细菌使牛奶发酵,牛奶场可以用来生产脱脂牛奶和奶酪。For example, bacteria cause milk to ferment so that dairies can use it to make buttermilk and cheese.

酪乳黄油“提走”后所留液体。鲜食时它就成了健康饮料。Buttermilk is liquid remaining after butter" has come. " When taken fresh, it makes a wholesome beverage.

在需要奶油芝士或酸奶油的菜谱中,你也可以使用低脂的白脱牛奶或酸奶作为替代。You can also substitute low-fat buttermilk or yogurt in recipes that call for cream cheese or sour cream.