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我听过许多发生在,以色列集体农场的争执与矛盾。I've heard a lot of stories about a lot of bickering at the kibbutz.

1988年,伊拉娜。利维恩-玛哈兹瑞跟随丈夫来到雅格基布兹并且定居。Ilana arrived in kibbutz Yagur in 1988 with her husband and settle down ever since.

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在以色列北部的拜奥伦基布兹农场上,大火正在吞噬房屋。Flames approach houses in kibbutz Beit Oren in northern Israel, Thursday, Dec. 2, 2010.

但由于干旱,以色列官方已经切断对集体农场的年度配额供水。But because of the drought, Israeli officials have cut the kibbutz 's annual quota of water.

项目位于以色列北部的Yechiam集体农庄的社区中心。The project is situated in Kibbutz Yechiam on the north of Israel in the community center area.

加兰特说,很显然,这些激进分子原来计划袭击基布兹集体农庄或者绑架一名军人。He said the militants were apparently planning to attack a kibbutz collective farm or to kidnap a soldier.

在以色列北部靠近基布兹拜特哈奥伦地区,极端正统派犹太男子注视着正在燃烧的森林大火。Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men look at a forest fire that broke out near kibbutz Beit Oren in the north of Israel.

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强迫人们绝对共享,如果你是某个集体农场的一员,就彻底受到共同消费的制约。They enforced complete sharing and if you belonged to a kibbutz you were completely stuck with the common consumption.

强迫人们绝对共享,如果你是某个集体农场的一员,就彻底受到共同消费的制约。They enforced complete sharing and if you belonged to a kibbutz you were completely stuck with the common consumption.

当某人收到一件礼物,农场里的其他人就指责道,你不能把它据为己有,我们必须分享一切When someone gets a gift and the other people at the kibbutz say, "Well you can't have that by yourself, we share everything."

当某人收到一件礼物,农场里的其他人就指责道,你不能把它据为己有,我们必须分享一切“When someone gets a gift and the other people at the kibbutz say, "Well you can't have that by yourself, we share everything."

集体农场本质上依赖于团队合作,世俗的集体农场和宗教的集体农场之间的主要区别就是是否使用宗教仪式。Because a kibbutz , by its nature, depends on group co-operation, the principal difference between the two is the use of religious ritual.

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英国首相戈登布朗昨天在以色列议会的演讲时呼吁年青人要到农庄参加志愿者服务工作。Gordon Brown called on youngsters to volunteer to work on a kibbutz during a speech to the Israeli parliament yesterday. But they all looked like they were going to sleep on his.

合作农场的想法是要建立一个性别中立的社会,这里没有跟性别相关的死板规矩,这里的每个成员都享有同等的机会,承担同样的责任。The idea of the kibbutz was to have a sexually neutral society in which there were no rigid formulae for each sex and each member had equal opportunity and equal responsibility within the group.

索西斯博士与吕夫尔博士选择这个“公共资源困境”游戏是因为集体农场的成员们经常会碰到类似的情景,例如分享共同的食物,能源,车辆等等。Dr Sosis and Dr Ruffle picked the common-pool-resource dilemma because the communal lives of kibbutz members mean they often face similar dilemmas over things such as communal food, power and cars.