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我疑虑地瞥了他一眼。I glanced at him questioningly.

她用怀疑的目光看著我。She looked at me questioningly.

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小山羊怀疑地问。Little goat questioningly asked.

道根怀疑地看着她。DOGGETT looks at her questioningly.

他看见哈根疑惑地看着他。He saw Hagen look at him questioningly.

“怎么这么说?”我问着,疑惑地看着她。"Why?" I asked, looking at her questioningly.

我上次在三文鱼和布里干酪之间犹豫不决已经是几个月前的事了。It is months since I looked questioningly at the salmon or brie.

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他带着询问地眼光看着我,因为除了咖啡之外,他没有点其它任何东西。He looked at me questioningly because he hadn't ordered anything but the coffee.

“那就是为什麽我会迟到一分钟的原因,”他总结道,然后用疑问的眼神看著记忆传承者。"That's why I was one minute late, " he concluded, and looked questioningly at The Giver.

过了一会儿,小男孩停止了哭泣,然后疑惑地看着这位越南护士。After a moment, the patient stopped crying and looked questioningly at the Vietnamese nurse.

他出去了。大拉尔夫带着疑问看着妻子。她吸了一口果汁,一点儿都不担心。He exits. Ralph, Sr. looks at his wife questioningly . She takes a sip of juice, unconcerned.

网友微风有雨则质问为什么会出现这种低级错误呢?。Why does netizen breeze have rain to you can appear questioningly this kind of elementary mistake?

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农夫诧异地叹了口气,将那根瘦小的枯木砍下,烧火用了。The peasant sighed questioningly , then he cut down the slight and withered tree and used it to light a fire.

他身后那群人先是踌躇不前,疑惑地面面相觑,然后又尴尬地跟在他后面。The group of men behind him hesitated, glanced questioningly at one another, and awkwardly followed his example.

不一会,小男孩停止哭泣,睁开眼睛,怀疑地看着越南护士。After a moment, the little boy stopped crying, opened his eyes, and looked questioningly at the Vietnamese nurse.

对于经济大潮下的现下互联网,小编很诧异鞭牛士为何要如此做。To the now Internet below economic spring tide, small make up very flog why Niu Shiwei wants to be done so questioningly.

她的声音带有明显的询问口气,仿佛在征求杰拉尔德的同意,这无非是一种礼节上的表示,但从杰拉尔德看来却是非常珍贵的。Her voice was raised questioningly , as though she hung on Gerald’s assent to her plan, a mere formality but one dear to the heart of Gerald.

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听完此话,吴女士不由诧异,既然是定购商品,难道床的长度一定要按商家规定制作?Hear this word, ms. Wu not by questioningly , since be the commodity that order, must be the length of difficult roadbed made by businessman regulation?

我到处找不到峰的踪影,我很诧异他的不辞而别,想他回来时一定让他赔礼道歉。I seek the sign that is less than a peak everywhere, I very questioningly his leave without say goodbye, he lets make an apology certainly when thinking he comes back.

最近,张先生陆续接到朋友的电话,说是要给他汇钱,张先生感到很诧异,因为他并没有向朋友借过钱。Recently, mr Zhang receives the friend's telephone call in succession, saying is to want to collect money to him, mr Zhang feels very questioningly , because he has lent money without Xiang Pengyou.