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还是被虐待狂?Or a masochist?

你在关系中习惯受虐么?Are You a Relationship Masochist?

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我一定是个被虐狂。I must be a masochist or something.

你以为我是什么,受虐者?What do you think, I'm a masochist?

只有受虐狂才会爱上这样一个自恋狂。帮帮我。Only a masochist could ever love such a narcissist. Help me.

只有感情丰富的受虐狂才愿意重温那风风光光的九十年代。Only a sentimental masochist would want to relive the tawdry 1990s.

任何不使用你的产品,我认为这是一个被虐待狂和傻瓜!Anyone not using your product, in my opinion, is a masochist and a fool!

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问题是,我有自由选择成为受虐狂者或虐待狂者,却没有自由选择不理会别人观点。I am left free to be a masochist or a sadist, but not free to ignore others.

输掉比赛会日子会不好过,成天处在压力之下,我想我们对还没有这种受虐倾向吧?When you lose you live badly, under stress and therefore there is absolutely no masochist attitude from our side.

如果你只是想找乐子——尤其如果你还是受虐狂——你当然可以密切关注众多股价的一举一动。If you're looking for entertainment value -- especially if you're a masochist -- then by all means hang on every move in stock prices.

因为她假如真的是受虐狂,那将意味着,她就能够堂而皇之地扮演受虐狂患者所给予女人的角色。Because if she were, in effect, masochistic, that would mean that she is capable of filling the role that the masochist gives to a woman.

为了满足被极限化的爱欲,受虐者残酷地把他人受苦的景观放置在面前,从中享受被禁制的绝爽。Filled with the extreme eros, the masochist freezes before the otherwise unbearable spectacle of cruelty and enjoys the prohibited jouissance.

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鉴于受虐者施行性暴力于不乐意的受害者,受虐者则是将一个赋有同情心的玩伴培养成一个他所欲求的冷酷且残酷的女人。Whereas the sadist wreaks sexual violence on an unwilling victim, the masochist educates a sympathetic partner to be the cold and cruel woman he desires.