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砚发端于新石器时代。Inkstone originated in Neolithic age.

伟刚爱石,而后制砚。Wei gang like stone, makes inkstone later.

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砚材产在什么地方?Inkstone material production in what place?

砚是中国书法的必备用具。Inkstone is essential to Chinese calligraphy.

你没见过这样的砚台吧。Have you ever seen an inkstone like this before?

传统的“文房四宝”指的是笔、墨、纸、砚。Hey, Daniel, do you know brush, ink, paper and inkstone?

端砚石的开发进程极端不易。Carries the inkstone the mining process not to be very easy.

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坚固的砚可以从古代流传下来。Solid texture inkstone can be handed down from ancient times.

笔、墨、纸、砚被称为文房四宝。The brush, ink, paper, and inkstone be called four treasures.

因为出门在外不能按时砚药。Because is away from home cannot on time the inkstone medicine.

木砚研究始于何时,没有定论,但以清代居多。Wood inkstone began to research, but not when, in qing dynasty.

韦编屡绝铁砚穿,口诵手钞那计年。Weibian has vast iron inkstone wear, kousong notes that year hand.

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砚是文房四宝之一,有着深厚的文化内涵。Inkstone is one of the four treasures, with deep cultural connotation.

因为坚固的砚可以从古代流传下来。Because of its solid texture inkstone can be handed down from ancient times.

一口茶和一砚墨,挥洒的笔,留在纸上的线条,是你游离的思绪。A cup of tea and a inkstone ink, brandish pen on paper, the line, you are free.

端砚石、歙砚石、苴却砚石和永顺三叶虫砚石是我国南方代表性的砚石资源。The representative inkstone resources in south China are the Duan, She Juque and Yongshun ones.

名砚比一般的砚要材质来得好,价格总是比一般的砚来得高。Name the inkstone than average winter to material, the price is higher than the average winter comes.

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坐不到几天,便连人和书籍纸张笔砚,一齐失踪。So after working for a few days he would disappear, taking with him books, paper, brushes and inkstone.

精神过度紧张由于砚代生活节奏加快,压力增大。Because the spiritual hypertension the inkstone generation of rhythm of life speeds up, pressure build-up.

龟纹石花纹奇特,是雕琢石龟、石砚等工艺品的上好原料。The moire stone pattern is peculiar, carved stone turtle, inkstone and other handicrafts on raw materials.