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我看见一位老人拄著手杖蹒跚而行。I saw an old man hitching along on his stick.

当客户端固定服务器拴马是闲置拳打脚踢。Fixed server hitching when client is kicked for inactivity.

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我要在黎明前到达山区一座高峰,所以要求搭了顺风车。I was hitching a ride to arrive at a mountain peak by dawn.

一起到空间站的还有一个“巴斯光年”。Also hitching a ride to the space station is Buzz Lightyear.

我不准你下礼拜和鲍伯一起搭便车到洛杉矶。I say "No" to your hitching down to L. A. with Bob next week.

我不知道你下礼拜和鲍伯一起搭便车到洛杉矶。I don't know about your hitching down to L. A. with Bob next week.

那是一个下午,天阴沉沉的,我在格洛斯特外正要搭车。It was an overcast afternoon and I was hitching just outside Gloucester.

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印度新德里有只鹩哥看上去像是搭载着它的小伙伴。A myna bird looks as thought it is hitching a lift from its mate in New Delhi, India.

我年青时曾心怀大志,想成为一位大科学家。When I was young, I dreamed of hitching my wagon to a star and becoming a great scientist.

所以,在2008年,巴士站被遗弃了,以宇宙的术语说就是,没有人曾要求免费搭乘!So, in 2008, the Bus Station was deserted, in Cosmic Terms, and nobody was hitching a ride!

跳马夫“从求神祭祀而转化为男子舞蹈的形式,”马扦“与”马铃“也就成为该舞的道具。It has become a kind of pure male dance, with a hitching post and horse bells as stage props.

今晨接到一封你寄给王志成先生的致谢函。Received your E mail this morning thanking Mr. Hitching Wang for something he's done for you.

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我的曾祖会因我愚笨地尝试拴马和骑马而大笑。My great grandfather would have laughed at my fumbling attempts at hitching and riding a horse.

市界内的旅馆均须在旅馆的前面设置水桶和拴马柱。Any hotel in the city limits must have a water bucket and a hitching post in front of the building.

一个满身泥泞的,倒霉催的黑影,穿着怪异,淋得比一只洗衣机里的水獭还要湿。A poor bedraggled figure, strangely attired, wetter than an otter in a washing machine, and hitching.

从北京到柏林,两名北京小伙一路只依靠陌生人的帮助搭便车前进。Two Beijingers took a journey with the help of strangers, hitching all the way from Beijing to Berlin.

5月15日,在布隆迪,几个骑车人在离开布琼布拉路上免费搭车上山。Bicycle transporters hitching a ride up the mountain on their way out of Bujumbura, Burundi, on May 15.

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后来,空中旅行变便宜,搭便车则令人生畏,于是公路浪漫事迹式微。Then air travel became cheap, hitching turned into something scary and the romance of the highway waned.

牛答应了老鼠的乞求,驮着它参赛,而老鼠却在接近终点时从牛的头上跳过了终线,超过牛得了第一。The rat won after hitching a ride on the head of the ox and jumping over the finishing line ahead of him.

在承担公司的开放源码项目时,需要考虑上述要点。Each of these points needs to be considered when hitching an open source project to a corporate bandwagon.