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是一饔银光闪闪的白银啊!This is a pile of shinny silver!

很阳光的微笑,很高兴认识你!How a shinny smile ! Glad to know you!

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残留物少,焊点光泽,干净。Less residue, shinny and clean solder spot.

她的脚涂了一些闪粉,一闪一闪的很抢镜。And I sticked some shinny powder on her legs.

指甲打蜡是为了让指甲光亮。Nail waxing is a process that makes your nails shinny.

为了向他的原型中,那身经典的带有花纹的黑色战甲表示敬意,我将他的胸甲设计成铜绿色。The patina chest armor is a homage to his classic shinny black armor.

它昔日光彩照人的20架飞机现在只剩下两架是完好的。Its once shinny fleet of 20 has been reduced to just two whole planes.

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有一天,你也许爱上一道爽朗微风的阳光而陷入爱里,很快承诺著。Someday You might love a shinny wind's sun then fall in to promise soon.

起初我是缺乏信心的,它在位油腻感觉去并且留下我的面孔攀爬。At first i was unsure, it goes on a bit greasy feeling and left my face shinny.

含有闪亮金泊带来光滑闪亮肌肤,增加娇柔动人的肌肤魅力。Containes shinny gold powder, gives the skin shinny and increase the skin's charm.

她的翅膀溶化在金色的光线中,仿若闪闪发亮的童年糖纸。Her feather wrapped in the golden light, just like shinny candy paper in Golden Time.

公司成立于1995年,由一群有经验的电脑硬件技术人员组成。Founded in 1995, Shinny is led by a group of experienced computer hardware professionals.

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弗里蒙特的登山者靠在一个25英尺高的道格拉斯冷杉树干上背对着悬崖峭壁往上爬。The Fremont climber had leaned a 25-foot-tall Douglas fir trunk against the cliff to shinny up.

然后在留下您的面孔给它大约2分钟和它浸泡的您感到干净,润湿,不油腻和根本不攀爬。Then you give it about 2 minutes and its soaked in leaving your face feeling clean, moisturized, not greasy and not shinny at all.

目前我们公司已向全球需要计算机硬件,网络连接和数据处理产品的公司提供服务。Shinny Electronics now leads itself to a global player in the supply chain of computer hardware, network connection and data process.

多彩的户外场景,绿意盎然的美丽森林,波光粼粼的瀑布上甚至还有彩虹。Outside scenarios with vivid colors, beautiful forests with colorful vegetation, shinny and beautiful waterfalls where even rainbows take place.

本品运用独特的清洁配方,能去除铝制品、铝合金制品上的污垢、油垢、锈斑,同时对铝制品有护理,光亮作用。Specialized formulation, removes dirty and rust stain on alumium metal ware, in the meantime, it can protect the alumium metal ware keeping it shinny.

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好的可用性可以让用户更方便地使用产品,而漂亮、时尚或者富有情趣的外观设计可以给用户带来喜悦感等良好的心理体验。Excellent available can make users feel more convienience and shinny , fashion or lovely UI design can bring users happy of good psychological effects.

适用于玻璃、大理石镜面、汽车、机械设备、装饰物等表面,使表面清洁光亮。Suitable to use for cleaning the surface of glass, marble mirror surface, automobile, machines and decorations which makes the surface shinny and smooth after used.