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我没有,我是叫老大,真是的。I just call them, bub.

洗澡盆的水龙头漏水。The bath bub tap is leaking.

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嘿,小兄弟,你听我说。Hey, now, bub , you listen to me.

枢纽和小明准备一新的咆哮冒险!Bub and Bob are ready for a new roaring adventure!

小家伙,你今天穿去工作的外套就是一个标题。That outfit you wore to work today is quite a headline, bub.

相信这款可爱的小家伙在点亮生活的同时也让您体味无限的使用乐趣。I believe this lovely bub will provide you with much fun while lighting your life.

该局亦举办多项大型国际贸易展览会,并推广香港作为国际商业中心的地位。See you around, bub. It also promotes Hong Kong's image as an international business hub.

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我相信所有澳大利亚人都在从心底祝福王室宝宝一切顺利,当然也祝愿这对初为父母的夫妇一切顺利。I think all Australians at the bottom of their hearts wish the royal bub all the best, and certainly wish the new parents all the best as well.

知情人士说,该律师事务所向这名间谍提供了一个职位,不过就在这名间谍将开始工作前几天,德意志银行的律师终止了计划。Bub Gauweiler offered the agent a position but Deutsche Bank's lawyers halted the plan just days before she was to begin work, according to people familiar with the report.

重型汽车等的轮边减速器大齿轮与半轴的联接,采用锥度直边三角花键联接较用渐开线花键联接具有很多优点。It is much more advantageous to adopt a taper straight-side triangular spline than an involute one, for example, in linking up big gear of wheel bub reductor with axle shaft in heavy duty trucks.