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上一次停摆发生在1998年。The last work stoppage occurred in 1998.

然而开火的中断没有持续多长时间。The stoppage of firing didn't last long, however.

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在补时阶段莫耶斯换上比蒂和麦克法登。Moyes sent on Beattie and McFadden for stoppage time.

消费狂人,请冰冻你的信用卡Freeze your credit card for serious spending stoppage.

奎恩认为不会出现2008年那样的贸易停滞。Mr. Quinn doesn't see a repeat of the trade stoppage in 2008.

他是唯一一次NBA在劳工停工面前失利。It was the only time the N.B.A. had lost games to a labor stoppage.

乌克兰矿工们已投票决定下个月罢工一天。Mineworkers in the Ukraine have voted for a one-day stoppage next month.

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但是上半场包括五分钟的补时时间,总共达到了17分钟。But the first-half contained five minutes of stoppage time. That is 17 in all.

因撤销、迁移等原因而停止使用土地的。Stoppage of the use of the land due to reasons such as disbandment and moving.

卡劳在补时阶段接应舍甫琴科的传中球,顶进了比赛唯一入球。In stoppage time Kalou heads the only goal of the game from Shevchenko's cross.

如此短时期的罢工行动不会对生产造成实质性的影响。Such a short stoppage is not expected to have any material impact on production.

乌克兰激进的矿工们已经投票决定下个月罢工一天。Militant mineworkers in the Ukraine have voted for a one-day stoppage next month.

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矿工们举行了两小时的象征性停工,以要求提高工资和改善工作条件。Miners have staged a two-hour token stoppage to demand better pay and conditions.

在主场对阵米兰的比赛中,莱切在下半场伤停补时阶段凭借一粒任意球破门,拿到一分。Lecce score from a set piece deep in stoppage time to claim a point against Milan.

在戏剧里,每一次中止都是另一个吟诵的开始,每一次都在一个不同的节奏中。Every stoppage in play was another chance to chant, each time in a difference cadence.

罢工停产已经导致17,000辆的生产损失。The stoppage led to lost production of about 17, 000 vehicles, the employers group said.

一直与心脏停止按摩他们心中活着的实验动物。Wiggers, had kept laboratory animals with heart stoppage alive by massaging their hearts.

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在48场曼联领先的情况下,补时时间平均为191.35秒。In 48 games when United were ahead, the average amount of stoppage time was 191.35 seconds.

在周日的比赛加时的5分26秒,欧文的进球将比分定格为4-3。When Owen made it 4-3 on Sunday the game was five minutes and 26 seconds into stoppage time.

基辅说,俄罗斯切断天然气的输送迫使乌克兰关闭向欧洲提供天然气的管道。Kyiv says it was this stoppage that forced Ukraine to close the pipelines that supply Europe.