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很欢畅见到你,苏姨娘。Good to meet you, Aunty Su.

下午我跟我的阿姨和老妈逛街去了。I went shopping with my mum and aunty today.

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读写给陈阿姨的建议专栏的信Read the letter to Aunty Chan's advice column

那个时候,发生在伯母身上的几乎是致命的。What happened to aunty at that time was deadly.

汉妮伯母是个直爽但又沉默寡言的人。Aunty Henny was an outgoing but reticent person.

安蒂露西不配入围红星‘最佳综艺主持人’?Aunty Lucy Not Worthy of a Best Host Nomination?

大姨来了,但是,我们也作一次。Big Aunty was coming, but we also make make once.

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我的名字是简和我的阿姨给了我您的详细资料。My name is Jane and my aunty gave me your details.

当伯母在医院再次睁开眼睛,已是五天后。It was five days before aunty opened her eyes in hospital.

孟风姨丈和MJ阿姨送给小贝贝的玩具狗。Uncle Meng Feng and Aunty MJ gave little Audrey a toy puppy.

虽然来自佛教的背景,这位大姑还是愿意跟我们一起谢饭祷告。This Aunty is a Buddhist, but she is willing to pray with us.

幸好,有个友善的法国安娣用英文教我们如何操作那个控制板。Luckily there was a friendly French Aunty taught us in English.

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安蒂露西不配入围红星‘最佳综艺主持人’?Responses to "Aunty Lucy Not Worthy of a Best Host Nomination?"

卖雨伞的阿姨。这种用工的美是最美的。Umbrella aunty. The beauty of a hard worker is the most beautiful.

可惜姨丈和阿姨当天晚上还要去听别人的音乐会。Unfortunately Uncle and Aunty were going to a concert later in the evening.

在葬礼上,女孩的老大娘放声大哭,“我惧怕的怎样就成真乐呢!”At the burial, the girl's aunty came crying and saying I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!

这是一个关于伯父和伯母的故事,但,或许我应该先留下只言片语给我的祖母。It is a story about my uncle and aunty , but I should introduce my grandma first.

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她闻起来有股爽身粉和碳油皂的味道,吉米想,就如弗雷达阿姨一样。She smelled of talcum powder andCoal Tar Soap, Jimmy thought. Like his Aunty Freda.

那天,伯母去了公社,在那她成功地递交她的离婚协议。That day, aunty went to the community where she transacted her divorcement successfully.

“吴大娘”商标被授予江苏省著名商标。大娘水饺现已成为国内最大的水饺堂食快餐连锁企业。Also the brand " Aunty Woo's" is regarded as one of the famous brands in Jiangsu Province.