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这篇论文的作者提醒PSA浓度与骨折风险需要被长期追踪。The editorialist warns that longer-term follow-up of PSA levels and of fracture risk is needed.

正如一位评论人员所指出,该研究并未包含活性药物对照组,且持续时间相对较短。As an editorialist noted, the study did not include an active comparator and was relatively short in duration.

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编辑提示由专科中心使用的技术应该在整个圈子里标准化。The editorialist suggests that techniques used by specialty centers should be standardized throughout the community.

评论者指出,自从妇女健康研究的结果发布后,英国HRT使用率明显降低。The editorialist points out that HRT use has declined greatly in the United Kingdom and elsewhere since the report of the Women's Health Initiatie.

评论者指出,自从妇女健康研究的结果发布后,英国HRT使用率明显降低。The editorialist points out that HRT use has declined greatly in the United Kingdom and elsewhere since the report of the Women's Health Initiative.

随后的评论则表示这个研究结果与过去所认为神经病变所引起的疼痛对鸦片类药物具有抗性的说法相反。An editorialist puts this into perspective, suggesting that this adds to the evidence countering the opinion that neuropathic pain is opioid-resistant.

然而,主编评论中暗示,在将这项结果应用于临床实物前仍需要等待正在进行的大型、随机分派试验结果。However, the editorialist suggests waiting for the results of large, randomized trials that are currently underway before making this routine practice.

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研究人员和评论家认为,应将更多的时间用于教授妇女有关乳癌症状的知识,及进行更全面的临床乳癌检查。The investigators and editorialist believe the time would be better spent teaching women about breast cancer symptoms and performing a more thorough clinical breast examination.

但是,该期刊编辑人员建议,在将该研究结果一般化之前,应该进行更多的研究,特别是,有一些案例应该接受非症状性的诊断。However, the editorialist suggests that more study is needed before generalizing , especially because a number of the cases should have been diagnosed independently from symptoms.

与美国神经研究所的临床指南相反的是,研究人员与编辑建议只对等候手术或拒绝手术者使用夹板。In opposition to American Academy of Neurology clinical guidelines, the investigators and editorialist recommend splinting only while awaiting surgery or for those who refuse surgery.

该发现应被仿效,但把热饮料晾凉几分钟是个不错的主意。社论撰写者澳大利亚昆士兰医学研究所的大卫怀特曼博士说。The findings should be replicated, but letting hot drinks cool off for several minutes is a good idea, notes editorialist David Whiteman, PhD, of Australia's Queensland Institute of Medical Research.