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你会千方百计寻求关注吗?Do you plead for attention?

Tweener继续恳求。Tweener continues to plead.

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我祈求星空褪尽色彩。I plead for the stars to fade.

我开端发抖,抽咽,祷告,请求。I shake , I weep, I pray, I plead.

我只有一次听到他在法庭上作辩护。I heard him plead in court only once.

他母亲尽力为他的案子辩护。His mother did her best to plead his case.

他尽全力为被告辩护。He tried his best to plead for the defendent.

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心儿控诉说你就藏在他的深处。My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie.

神的朋友可以为别人说情。The friend of God can plead with Him for others.

天父喜悦之子,凭信与爱祈求。O blessed Son of God, In love and faith we plead.

荣誉使我感到羞惭,由于我暗地里求着它。Praise shames me- for I secretly plead with for it.

他们对银行心慈手软,我们却要低声下气。They let the banks off and we have to beg and plead.

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你恳求那种人将是白费力气。He would see her and plead his cause again in person.

所有人都否认指控,最终被宣判无罪。All plead not guilty and were acquitted of the charges.

你要么现在就伏法认罪,要么就后果自负!You either plead guilty now, or suffer the consequences.

一个人不应该借口缺乏经验来为其错误辩解。One should not plead inexperience in excuse of his mistake.

恳求主在国与国之间赐下更大的合作。Plead with the Lord for greater cooperation between nations.

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首先,中国比拉赫曼先生所谈到的更为贫穷。First, China can plead more poverty than Mr Rachman suggests.

我们恳切希望改变生活方式并严格管制烟草。We plead for lifestyle changes and strict tobacco regulation.

浚知丰只利用梅宣传,向婷求情。By using only may know abundant propaganda, to plead Christine.