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他将任市长一职。He'll serve as a mayor.

他要同市长谈一谈。He wishes to talk to the mayor.

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市长为此节目报幕。The mayor announced the program.

我伯父是孟菲斯市市长。My uncle was the mayor of Memphis.

市长用一根火柴点燃了一根雪茄。The mayor lit a cigar with a match.

市长可真是说溜了嘴了!Indeed the mayor spilled the beans !

市长撤换了警察局长。The mayor displaced the police chief.

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他担任市长的职务到一九七○年。He held the office of mayor till 1970.

他合适的扮演了一个市长。He was playing the mayor. Appropriate.

普京副手索比亚宁接任莫斯科市长。Sobyanin confirmed as new Moscow mayor.

广州市长黎子流和康律师。Guangzhou Mayor Li Zhiliu with Mr. Hong.

他一定稳赢市长的职位。He is a shoo-in for the office of mayor.

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卡利巴夫市长是一位受欢迎的领导。Mayor Ghalibaf has been a popular leader.

他和市民共同攻击市长。The mayor acceded to the citizens'demands.

安徽马鞍山市副市长因受贿入狱。Former vice mayor jailed for taking bribes.

市长可真是说溜了嘴了!The mayor really made a slip of the tongue!

“美也是件难事啊,”市长卡奇亚利说。"Beauty is difficult, " Mayor Cacciari said.

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营口市人民政府副市长。Deputy Mayor of Yingkou municipal government.

石家庄市市长被罢免。The mayor of Shijiazhuang has been dismissed.

副市长何寄华参加会见。Deputy Mayor He Jihua accompanied the meeting.