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不过,年纪较大的人留着教授式的胡子会显得有着深邃的智慧。Still, professorial beards on older men can imply depth of intellect.

范德维奇从来都没有想执教球队,他的矛盾心态是很明显的。The professorial Vandeweghe never wanted to coach the team, and his ambivalence is palpable.

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从外表看,亚当斯与文雅的、衣着略显凌乱、学者派头的休姆形成了鲜明对比。Physically, Adams was a striking contrast to the gentle, slightly rumpled, professorial Hume.

他经常穿着笔挺的白衬衣,打着领带,似乎乐于扮演老一辈学者型政治家的角色。Often in a crisp white shirt and tie, he seems happy to play the professorial elder statesman.

该研究所现在的主任是贝利奥尔学院的专职研究员威廉•达顿教授。Nowadays, the director of the Institute is Professor William Dutton, a Professorial Fellow of Balliol College.

在获得博士学位他成为第一个研究员,后来在教授研究员冈维尔与凯斯学院。After gaining his Ph. D. he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College.

这座位于公园区的大厦是对外关系委员会的总部。卡拉特拉瓦,声音低沉,富有学者气派,他穿着黑色西装戴着金属窄边眼镜。Calatrava, who has a low voice and a professorial manner, was dressed in a dark suit and wore glasses with the narrowest of metal rims.

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她把工作时间的一半用来修复这个树木园和组织学生班级参观,另一半用在履行她的教授职责。She spends half her work time on the restoring the arboretum and organizing class visits, and the other half on her professorial duties.

斯坦俨然是教育行业的典范,他的授课清晰明确,许多容易混淆的问题一经他的阐述,即切中要害。Stan was a model of professorial balance. As a lecturer, he gave clear and even-handed presentations in a field that can be confusing and divisive.

在教义式讲道中的挑战是要避免使其成为一篇学术演讲,一篇为了回顾事实的完全知识性的讲道。The challenge in preaching a doctrine sermon is to avoid it becoming a professorial lecture, making it a purely intellectual sermon to review facts.

大保罗有教授式的倾向,他的追随者喜欢和信任他更多的是因为他不像典型政客那样说话。The elder Paul is professorial by disposition, and his followers tend tolike and trust him precisely because he doesn't talk like a typical politician.

病人“被送到医院时会很兴奋,会像教授一样对医药巡诊沾沾自喜”,然后,被送回家去,等死。A patient would be “brought to the hospital in a flurry of excitement, discussed on medical rounds with professorial grandiosity” and then sent home to die.

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刚才特雷纳校长在讲话中提到汉学家约翰·斯当东爵士在十九世纪四十年代在国王学院设立了第一个中国教席。Professor Trainor talked about the sinologist Sir John Staunton, who established the first Professorial Chair in Chinese at King's College London in the 1840s.

为了拯救自己的选择,他必须放弃做一个超然于党派争斗之外的教授总统的幻想,转变成一个凶猛的总统。To save the agenda for which he was elected, he must give up the pretense of being a postpartisan professorial president and start acting like an Oval Office tiger.

与英超其他俱乐部教练之间的矛盾,尤其是阿森纳的主教练温格,与弗格森相比,他简直是来自另一个世界的人——气质儒雅,学者风度,同样疯狂的渴求胜利。and with rival managers, particularly Arsène Wenger of the London club Arsenal, who is yin to Ferguson's yang — deeply cultured, professorial and similarly insane to win.

根据霍华德•休斯医学研究所,终身聘任职位是这样一个职位,它包含终身教授的任命和潜在的充足薪金的支持——如果拨款耗尽的话。According to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a tenure-track position is one that leads to a permanent professorial appointment and potentially full salary support if grant funding runs out.

夏比洛是以色列魏兹曼科学研究院的资讯工程和生物化学系教授,并担任维伦比讲座教授。Shapiro is a professor in the departments of computer science and biological chemistry at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, where he holds the Harry Weinrebe Professorial Chair.