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我打算写一首颂歌。I intended an ode.

我喜欢这种慢步的调子。I love this ode to slow-moving.

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它与ODE互操作还是竞争?Does it inter-operate or compete with ODE?

汉大赋的兴盛局面难以为继,开始走向衰败。After Ban Gu, Great Han Ode began to decline.

弥尔顿努力想用谦逊的颂歌来“阻止“他们。And he tries to "prevent" them with his humble ode.

这是我最喜欢的一句格言,揭示了我们是互相依存的。It's my favorite epithet, an ode to interdependence.

这种精神同样也是对生命的颂扬,对人类崇高精神的赞歌。It is an ode to life and a poem in praise of humanity.

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这是一曲古丝绸之路上的友谊之歌。It is an ode to friendship along the ancient Silk Road.

哦,是的。是歌唱祖国。是谁演唱的?Oh, yes. It is Ode To The Motherland. Who is the singer?

那贝多芬是怎么把欢乐颂处理得那么令人,愉悦的呢So how does Beethoven go about making the Ode to Joy joyful?

颂歌和战歌是这一时期诗歌创作的两种主要形态。Ode and battle songs were two main poetic forms at that time.

使用SCA组合替换ODE部署描述符Replacement of ODE deployment descriptor with a SCA composite.

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说这话的是59岁的张先生,他说的是歌颂一位农村孩子的经典歌曲。Zhang, 59, said of the classic ode to a martyred peasant child.

她让我像做法律论证一样,简述雪莱的诗赋。She made me brief a Shelley ode as though it were a legal argument.

这也是弗里德里希·席勒的组诗,叫做,欢乐颂It was the setting of a poem by Friedrich Schiller called-- Ode to Joy?

传、记与辞章属于不同的文体类型,各有其约定俗成的写作惯例。Biography is a different style from ode which has its own characteristic.

弥尔顿想把他的颂歌在术士们到达之前,带到伯利恒。Milton wants his ode to make it to Bethlehem before the Three Wise Men do.

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这是一首献给那些自认为是社会异类的人的颂歌。The song is an ode to anyone who sees themselves as an outcast of society.

搜集沁州黄的赞词赞诗顺口溜民谣!Spicilegium ooze the yellow prefecture Ode word Zanshi doggerel folk rhyme!

奥德在他所在的奥登镇是一位非常受人尊敬的前任校长。Ode was a highly respected former superintendent in his little town of Oden.