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你可以在炉边织着毛衣。You can knit a sweater by the fireside.

你可以烤着炉火打毛衣。You can knit a sweater, by the fireside.

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他坐在炉边喝著他的可可亚。He sat by the fireside drinking his cocoa.

我爱灯光微弱时的围炉。I love the fireside when all the lights are low.

他的“炉边谈话”使他赢得了无数听众的喜爱。His radio"Fireside Chats"endeared him to countless listeners.

这当儿,河鼠正暖和舒服地坐在炉边打盹儿。Meantime the Rat, warm and comfortable, dozed by his fireside.

1933年3月12日,罗斯福总统在这个房间发表了其第一次炉边谈话。On March 12, 1933, FDR delivered the first of his Fireside chats.

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你可以在炉边织毛衣,周日早上就兜风去。You can knit a sweater by the fireside. Sunday mornings go for a ride.

过了不久,厄特森正坐在壁炉边,杰凯尔医生的男仆普尔前来求见。Utterson was sitting by his fireside when Poole, DR. Jekyll's manservant, sought entrance.

罗斯福的演讲和“炉边谈话”促使人们支持他的改革计划。And Roosevelt’s oratory, his Fireside Chats, helped to inspire people to support his programs.

把这称为炉火边和安乐椅之间的人生革命,可能是恰当的。This may properly be called the revolutions of a life between the fireside and the easy-chair.

在城门边,在炉火旁,我曾看到你们五体投地,膜拜自己的自由At the city gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own freedom

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在城门和篝火边,我看到你们伏首崇拜着自己的自由。At the city gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own freedom.

俄国总统——迪米特利·梅德韦杰夫已经就金融危机问题在电视上发表炉边讲话。RUSSIA’S president, Dmitry Medvedev, has taken to giving televised fireside chats about the financial crisis.

他退步到结束围炉谈话和高亮数据的导出成为一个潜在的问题。He backtracked near the end of that fireside chat and highlighted the data export issue as a potential mistake.

我就学温米克点头的样子对老先生连连点头。我们走到屋里,坐在火炉旁边。I nodded at the old gentleman as Wemmick himself might have nodded, and we went in and sat down by the fireside.

那3只短腿猎犬已经四肢舒展地躺在壁炉边的铺垫上呼噜呼噜地睡觉了,但它们看来很习惯戴比。The three Bassets were already in residence draped snoring on the fireside rug, but they seemed to be used to Debbie.

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罗斯福的炉边谈话,展现出了出他的声望和领袖风范。Roosevelt's fireside chats— go ahead, call it spin — showcased his leadership and popularity. They wouldbe sorely needed.

我们一言为定,彼此紧紧地拥抱在一块。之后,我们沿着海滩向我们的车、篝火和那杯茶走去。We shook hands on this, gave each other a big hug, and walked back along the beach to the car, the fireside and cup of tea.

今年也会有一些非正式的座谈,到时大家可以自由的向谷歌的工程师们提问自己关注的问题。Fireside chats will also return this year, where you can ask questions to Google engineers in an informal, intimate setting.