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完美主义容易引起拖拉。Perfectionism stirs procrastination.

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完美主义是你完成任务的大敌。Perfectionism is the enemy of completion.

某种完美主义的压力消失了。A certain pressure of perfectionism disappears.

拖延者经常屈服于这种完美主义。Procrastinators often succumb to this sort of perfectionism.

但是这种完美主义需要费心思,而且削弱了我的信心。But this perfectionism takes work, and it saps my confidence.

我会讨论完美主义和缺陷美。I will talk about perfectionism and the beauty of imperfection.

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完美主义是拖延的一个最大的原因。Perfectionism is one of the biggest reasons for procrastination.

接受不完美——完美主义是完成任务的大敌。Accept imperfections. – Perfectionism is the enemy of completion.

放弃完美主义是灵魂的维他命和一种锻炼。Letting go of perfectionism is vitamins and exercise for the soul!

书中描写了乔布斯的暴脾气以及过分追求完美主义的故事。There are stories of Jobs’ hot temper and obsessive perfectionism.

这是乔布斯的信条,在他看到之前,他的完美主义将他逼到悬崖边上。That was Jobs’s credo, and until he saw it his perfectionism kept him on edge.

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要凿除削弱甚至伤害我们的完美主义。It's about chipping away perfectionism that is debilitating and often hurts us.

第三种容易导致“拖延”的错误想法就是完美主义。A third type of erroneous thinking that leads to procrastination is perfectionism.

然而,连接完美主义与健康的道路却可能更加复杂。However, the pathway that connects perfectionism to health is likely more complex.

本研究编制了大学生自我完美主义问卷。The questionnaires about self-oriented perfectionism are made for college students.

他还是一个执着于每一步骤的细节都要精益求精的人。Perfectionism – “He was also a person that believed in the precise detail of every step.

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然而很多时候,困难的是与天秤的完美注意倾向打交道。Sometimes, however, it's difficult dealing with the Libran tendency toward perfectionism.

另一方面,自我导向型完美主义的身体健康状况较好。On the other hand, self-oriented perfectionism was associated with better physical health.

要理清完美主义和健康之间复杂的关系还有很多的工作要做。More work is needed to untangle the intricate relationship between perfectionism and health.