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哈金斯博士是民主党人。Dr. Huggins is a Democrat.

稍等,我们认为这一位是一名民主党人。Wait a minute, we thought he was a Democrat.

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库萨克说他支持民主党奥巴马。Cusack says he supports Democrat Barack Obama.

英国自由民主党前领袖孟席斯?British Liberal Democrat leader Menzies before?

民主主义者通常都得到工会的支持。A democrat usually gets the union's endorsement.

人们当时还相信,他还是一个民主主义者。He was also, people believed at the time, a democrat.

恐怕要是个民主党人,因为我是民主党人。someone who's probably a Democrat because I'm a Democrat.

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劳坦柏是新泽西的自由民主党成员,享年89岁。The Liberal Democrat from New Jersey died Monday. He was 89.

邵力子是中国现代史上一位著名的民主人士。Lizi-shao is a famous democrat in Chinese Contemporary History.

他正在佐治亚州为民主党参议员威奇·福勒作巡回演说。He was in Georgia stumping for Senator Wyche Fowler, a Democrat.

卡斯当时66岁,他是民主党的中间派。Cass was sixty-six years old. He was a middle-of-the-road Democrat.

民主党人对奥巴马宣布妥协的反应简单扼要。Democrat Barack Obama announced a compromise on the response brief.

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这位西佛吉尼亚的民主党人士在92岁时死了,他的办公桌现在蒙上了黑布。The Democrat of West Virginia died at 92, his desk draped in black.

来自马里兰州巴尔的摩的民主党众议员伊利亚.卡明斯持乐观的态度。Elijah Cummings, a democrat from Baltimore, Maryland, is optimistic.

这些职位将由第112届国会中另一位民主党参议员接任。Those posts will be filled by another Democrat in the 112th Congress.

在他的竞选传单上很难找到“民主党”这样的字眼。It was hard to find the word "Democrat" anywhere in his campaign bumf.

“我们将努力把强烈的民主党在那里,”斯皮尔曼说。"We will be working strongly to put a Democrat in there, " Spearman said.

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詹姆斯?克来伯恩担任多数党党鞭,在众院民主党人中排行老三。James Clyburn is majority whip, the third-ranking Democrat in the chamber.

拜登今年65岁,1972年当选参议员。The 65-year-old Delaware Democrat was first elected to the Senate in 1972.

比尔•克林顿将自己描绘成一位深感中部美国之痛的新民主党人。Bill Clinton sold himself as a New Democrat who felt Middle America’s pain.