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她把这件事通知了我。She advised me of this.

最后,保罗终于劝住了佩琪。At last, Paul advised Peggy.

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别说我没提醒你我很毒舌的……I've been advised and warned.

滴药前应先擤净鼻涕。Feder advised Dropping net nose.

她劝我别干此事。She advised me against doing it.

可谁也劝不回戴翰霆。But who also advised not to wear.

我劝他控制自己的脾气。I advised him to command his temper.

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她建议他立刻走开。She advised him to leave immediately.

我和玛丽商量过那件事。I advised with Mary about that matter.

有人劝我带上辅助照明设备。I was advised to take auxiliary light.

他们竭力劝我不要这样做。They strongly advised me not to do so.

投资者们被告知会有风险。The investors were advised of the risk.

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总统同内阁进行了商讨。The president advised with the cabinet.

他劝咱们派人请大夫。He advised the doctor should be sent for.

医生建议我戒烟。出国游常用英语。The doctor advised me to give up smoking.

她建议/劝我不要去参加聚会。She advised me against going to the party.

他劝告农民要遴选最好的谷穗。He advised farmers to choose the best-heads.

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他拿起剑想要照桑科的建议去做。He took his sword to do what Sancho advised.

医生告戒简应该多锻炼身体。The doctor advised Jane should practise more.

简而言之,他极力反对我在那里工作。In short, he advised against me working there.